Catholic Women's League Victoria Diocesan Council

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Dear Friends: I would like to make a comment about the difficulty I had in posting our Diocesan CWL Present Christa's Christmas greetings.

As you know, I like to add photos to our articles. To this end, I have a huge collection of pictures of our CWL friends and events over the years. In fact, I have about a thousand pictures on this subject. I have also known Christa for many years through the CWL and have taken lots of pictures of her.

So, what is my problem? I can't find a photo of Christa, alone. I spent half an hour trying to find one. The best I could do was a snapshot of her with another dear friend. So, what? The point is I don't have any pictures of any of my CWL sisters on their own!

They are always with friends, participating with others in liturgy, wearing funny clothes in a group picture at a conference or. . . well you get the point. We CWL people thrive in a group or with friends. It's hard to find us alone at a CWL event. My futile search for single photos of members is a problem well worth having.

Blessings on your day, my friends.