Catholic Women's League Victoria Diocesan Council

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Exciting Minutes from Spring Interim Meeting March 3, 2020

The Catholic Women’s League of Canada

Victoria Diocesan Council

National Theme: Caring for our Common Home Provincial Theme: Witnessing to the Truth Diocesan Theme: Solid Rock, Living Waters

Minutes Spring Interim Meeting
Christ the King, 1559 Tunner Drive, Courtenay, B.C. March 3, 2020

  1. Call to order: President Christa Grillmair called the meeting to order at 8:50 a.m. She welcomed Life Members Margaret Beardon, Ann Devlin, the Military Ordinariate and announced the names of the new council presidents:
    -Rosemarie Sather, Alberni Valley, co-chairing with Cecilia Suter

    -Carmen Tellier, Church of the Ascension, Parksville -Pat Ellis, Christ the King, Courtenay
    -Doreen Fenton, Saanich Peninsula
    -Miriam Podmoroff, Sacred Heart, Victoria -Maureen Fath, Salt Spring Island

    -Mary-Ellen Tonge, St. Joseph the Worker, Victoria -Linda Kubinec, St. Patrick’s, Campbell River -Huguette Fox, Trinity, Nanaimo

  2. Bible Enthronement and opening prayer: Doreen Fenton, Pat Ellis, Carmen Tellier

  3. Roll call: One Spiritual Advisor; 5 Diocesan Executives; 4 Standing Committee chairs; 11 Parish Council Presidents or delegates; 2 Life Members; 2 Military Ordinariate. Total members in attendance: 84.

  4. Approval of agenda: Agenda approved as amended – added under Unfinished Business a report on our Outreach Initiatives.

  5. Approval of minutes: Minutes of the October 28, 2019 Fall Interim Meeting approved as amended – on pg. 5 under Blessing & Sending Forth the amount is $100.00 and not $200.00.

  6. Correspondence: Nancy read outgoing mail – invitations to attend the Diocesan Convention to Gisela Montague, Provincial President and Anne-Marie Gorman, National President; emails to speakers for the Diocesan Convention. The incoming mail included an email response from Gisela Montague accepting the invitation; a letter from Anne- Marie Gorman declining the invitation; an email from Pat Nichol accepting to be speaker at the Diocesan Convention; an email correspondence re: Bishop Gary Gordon’s presentation; a letter and cheque for $442.83 sent to Renee Johnson, Diocesan Treasurer, from Fran Lucas, National Chairperson of Organization, to subsidize Victoria Diocesan Council’s Getting to Know the League events held on December 1, 2019; an email from Life Member Sheila Quinn re: suggested donation to Vision TV daily Mass.

  1. Treasurer’s report: Renee presented the 2020 budget and reported that the total bank balance including investments is $51,046.00. Report and budget are on file.

    Motion: MOVED by Renee Johnson to reinvest our term deposit. Seconded by Pat Carew. MOTION CARRIED.

    Motion: MOVED by Renee Johnson to accept the 2020 budget as presented. Seconded by Gerry Heywood. MOTION CARRIED.

  2. Unfinished Business:

    1. a)  Letter from Bishop Gordon re: our donation of $1864.54 to the Westcoast Missions, which were proceeds from our 50/50 draw and donations at Mass.

    2. b)  Christa gave a review of the National Strategic Presentations. National is reviewing proposals from a marketing agency, which will help grow the membership and deal with apathy of members. Christa reviewed the three sub-committees that will work on simplifying and streamlining procedures. She asked us for prayers that their work will be supported with more volunteers to help with this change.

    3. c)  Laurel Phyall reported on her visit to the northern parishes. Report is on file. She updated us on plans for the 2020 Convention.

    4. d)  Edna Lorenzen reported on her outreach to Ahousaht. One of the ladies from there would like to attend our Diocesan Convention and become more involved but needs funds to assist.

    5. e)  Maureen Ingram reported on her outreach to Gabriola Island.

    6. f)  Francine Tournier gave an update on progress of 2020 Diocesan Convention at St. Edward’s. Speakers will be Sr. Susan Scott, Bishop Gary Gordon and Pat Nichols. However, registrations to date have been slow. Report on file.

9. Lenten Reflection: Fr. Alfredo Monacelli led us in Pope Francis’ reflection on Lent. It is a time of favour, conversion and celebration of the paschal mystery offered to all humanity. We need to continually return to this mystery in mind and heart and we will grow in the measure we are open to the spiritual power that comes from God. Then we will be able to build the Kingdom of God. Christian conversion and joy comes from listening and embracing the Word of God, which is the Good News of our salvation. This rejects the lie that this life is ours; we are in charge and can do whatever we want. Our life is a Gift and we need to follow God to experience real freedom. Our Christianity is not a list of do’s and don’ts’s. Lent is a time of renewal where we fix our eyes on Jesus and reject the Prince of Lies. The Pascal Mystery is not a past event but, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is an event that is happening to us here and now enabling us to see and touch in faith the flesh of Christ incarnate in our lives. The message is that Christ is saving us now and to live this event is called “conversion”. Our will must become God’s will in every circumstance in our lives and we must say “yes” to Him. Conversion is a dialogue with the Lord and then our participation in the reality in front of us. Therefore, through the circumstances of our lives, God will reveal himself to us. God wants to create a dialogue with us. Fr. Alfredo suggested that fasting need not be only food but also an activity we enjoy. He distributed a handout The Isaiah Fast: 10 Challenges in 10 Days to help us in our Lenten journey.

10. Workshop: The Whole Ball of Wax: Communication, Legislation and Resolutions: Gerry Heywood told us that Communication is a 2-way street so must continue to write to our MP’s, MLA’s and city councilors about CWL concerns like M.A.I.D. Gerry distributed a CWL letter-writing guide to each attendee and emphasized how important it was to keep up with current legislation. Personal letters that persuade rather than insult and end with a question are the most effective. CWL Resolutions come from many different sources - i.e. prayer, other CWL members, news stories. However, it is very important to determine the real problem before writing a resolution. Resolutions that reach the National level may be presented in Parliament and then they are entered into the Hansard Index so become a public document. She encouraged everyone to go to the CWL website for more information. Laurel thanked Gerry for her informative presentation.

11. Workshop: Dealing with Change and Conflict – Getting to a Win-Win Solution: Christa Grillmair gave a power point presentation which is on file. She noted that the Strategic Plan will bring change and it may cause conflict from opposing points of view. There was a discussion on conflict styles with the best being a “win-win” solution. The members participated in a table exercise on how to deal with conflict situations then presented their answers in a group discussion.

12. New Business:

  1. a)  Life Member Application – we have budgeted for Life Member applications this year.

    Two applications will be presented at the Diocesan Convention Pre-Convention


  2. b)  Centenary Projects: Many thanks to everyone for bringing in your council photos.

    Sandi Digras has offered to create a Diocesan Wall of Fame, which we will display at the Diocesan Convention. From those, some will be chosen to take to the National Convention in August. There was a suggestion to plant a Dogwood tree at the Victoria Pastoral Centre as a Centenary project.

  3. c)  Water Project – Discussion and sharing of which councils participated in this project and what was done.

  4.  2020 Diocesan Pre-Convention Meeting: March 15th is the deadline for council Presidents and Diocesan Executive to submit their reports to Laurel who will compile them into the Convention booklet. Presidents are requested to give an oral report at the pre-convention meeting on one big idea that caught the enthusiasm of their council during the past year. Everyone was asked to submit their convention registrations as soon as possible and to register and pay for their Spiritual Advisors. Presidents were encouraged to share the new Strategic Plan with their Spiritual Advisors and to keep them updated as changes take place. Christa reminded everyone that there will be the election of officers at the 2020 Convention. Blanca Stead, Kathy Weswick and Maureen Ingram have been working hard on the nominations.

  5. e)  Victoria councils were asked to consider hosting the 2021 Diocesan Convention perhaps by joining two councils together. The Fall Interim meeting will be held in Ladysmith but we need a host council for the 2021 Spring Interim meeting.

  6. f)  Reminder of Upcoming Events:
    -2020 Pre-Convention Diocesan Executive dinner & meeting, April 22 at St. Edward’s, Duncan
    -2020 Diocesan Convention, April 23-24, Oceanfront Resort, Cowichan Bay -2020 Provincial Convention, June 11-13, Prestige Inn, Vernon
    -2020 National Convention, August 9-12, Montreal
    -2020 Fall Interim Meeting, October 5, St. Mary’s council at All Saints parish, Ladysmith

13. Blessing and sending forth: Christa thanked Pat Ellis and the ladies of Christ the King council for a wonderful day and Laurel Phyall presented them with a cheque for $100.00. There was also a thank you from the Military Ordinariate, Comox. Fr. Alfredo offered a prayer and blessed us for a safe journey home.

14. Bible dethronement15. Adjournment: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m.