Catholic Women's League Victoria Diocesan Council

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When I first saw the opportunity to share a story of being a C.W.L. member, I thought I might share the story of my family’s four generations of CWL members.

My Grandmother, Alice Bundy, was a pioneer member of our C.W.L here in Campbell River. I am not exactly sure when my Grandma joined the League, but I would think it was in the late 1940’s/early 1950’s. Alice was an active member of St. Patrick’s and her C.W.L. She was proud to be involved in the growth and development of our parish during her lifetime. My dear Grandma was a founding member of the Monday night prayer group, instrumental in the beginning of First Friday Adoration, a leader of baptism preparation classes, a huge supporter of Birthright and of course active in her work with the C.W.L., even holding executive positions including being president. My Grandmother was the strongest, most faithful and amazing woman. She had endured many hardships and tragedy throughout her life, but her steadfast strength and concrete faith always saw her through. As you can imagine, having such a wonderful role model as my Grandmother, was a true gift to her five daughters and families, who learned so much from her. Alice was a shining example of true strong faith and how she could give so much of herself through service to our Lord!

My mother, Patricia Turner, and myself joined the C.W.L in 2002. My mom became an active member immediately helping with many events. My Mom is a very social person and she found her calling helping with gatherings, events, funeral receptions and eventually taking on the membership of the C.W.L. Patricia became involved becoming the contact for the yearly International Women’s Day of Prayer, that saw services being held at a variety of different churches every year. My dear Mom will best be remembered for her specialty of dressing up friends in assortments of hats and costumes for conventions and events! My Mom loved to do whatever was needed and she especially loved connecting with so many people, whether it was working alongside making sandwiches or phoning members with meeting reminders.

As for myself, when I joined the C.W.L, I had my last baby on the way and two children under the age of five at home. I always helped my Mom with what ever she was doing for the C.W.L. and I knew that there would be more time ahead for me to do more. In 2006, I became St. Patrick’s Religious Education Coordinator, after being a catechist for 18 years. In 2012, I was blessed to help start and become the manager/educator of St. Patrick’s Preschool. I am proud to be one of the team of Youth Leaders for our youth here at St. Patrick’s. I may not have the extra time to serve my C.W.L. as much as I would like, but I am always so happy and proud to do and support when ever and where ever I can!

And now to the 4th generation, my daughter Alice Rondquist became a CWL member in 2020. Alice, who was named for her beloved Great Grandmother, has served St. Patrick’s as an altar server for 11 years and an active youth group member, and presently an active member of the Vancouver Island CCO, volunteers as a chaperone leader for our annual Homewood youth retreat and as a catechist for our level one catechism class. As she has all her life, Alice will be called to help me, as we continue to support the work of our C.W.L

My Grandmother passed away in 2004 and my Mom is presently living with advancing dementia. We have been blessed to have such happy memories of being members of St. Patrick’s and especially sisters in Christ within our wonderful C.W.L.

Respectfully submitted by Sharon Turner Rondquist