Catholic Women's League Victoria Diocesan Council

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Past President Communique #3, September 24, 20

Communique #3

From: Laurel Phyall, Past President                               September 25, 2024

Dear Sisters-in-Christ and Father Mike:

Don’t just show kindness in passing or to be courteous. Show it in depth, show it with passion, and expect nothing in return. Kindness is not just about being nice; it’s about recognizing another human being who deserves care and respect.

  • Colin Powell

Mentoring – To quote Most Rev. Stephen Jensen, Bishop of Prince George, who was national Spiritual Advisor at the time, “there is no substitute for experience – no matter how capable and willing someone is, learning from another who has been at work longer is an irreplaceable advantage.” (The Canadian League/Spring 2023) I therefore offer my 35+ years of experience and acquired knowledge not only to support our president, Bertha, and her team, as well as to all past presidents and/or presidents in any way needed. Please remember that I am here to help – just ask!

League Development DaysSaturday, October 5 will be an exciting day, as National Life Member, Barb Dowding, will give us a workshop entitled “The Art of Accompaniment and the CWL” at the Fall League Development Day. All members are encouraged to attend - lunch, snacks and refreshments will be provided for a suggested donation of $10 by the Holy Trinity Council.

Study and implementation of the Constitution & Bylaws – The National Constitution & Bylaws (the little white book) is an invaluable guide to the mission, structure and running of the League. I suggest you start by making sure that all your officers have a 2023 version ($8 from the National office).

Annual Reporting – One of the duties of the Past President is to submit an annual report. Information will be coming to each Parish Council from the Diocesan Council regarding this.

Guidelines for Reporting:

  1. Have you attended meetings in a consultative capacity?

  2. Have you worked at updating council’s archives?

  3. Is the history of your council kept up to date? Have you added documents to the history?

  4. Did you facilitate the study and implementation of

    1. Constitution & Bylaws? If yes, how?

    2. National Manual of Policy and Procedure? If yes, how?

    3. Other? If yes, how?

  5. What other duties assigned by the president did you perform in your role as past president?

  6. Give recommendations and/or ideas pertaining to the role of past president.

Archival Tips

Archives are important historical material from which information, inspiration and enthusiasm for the League may be derived. They also serve as permanent, lasting records of the achievements of the organization. The Past President’s Handbook outlines the care and storing of archives for the Parish, Diocesan and Provincial levels.  The Victoria Diocesan Council stores any archives of a truly historical nature at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, the rest remain in the possession of the Diocesan Past President.

  • Blanca Stead has expertise in archives and has volunteered to be a resource if you have questions or if you are in need of assistance.

Updating the Diocesan Policy & Procedure Manual – It is recommended that each council have its own P&P and that it be updated a least every two years. This duty traditionally falls to the past president. I will be presenting the updates at the March 2025 League Development Day. If you have any suggestion or would like to see a change, please let me know by February 22, 2025. Please see the attached.

Eligibility, Nominations and Elections – please see page 34 & 36 - 39 of the Constitution & Bylaws (2023) for information regarding eligibility, nominations and elections.

Please continue to pray individually and collectively for the League.  You are not only important to your individual parish; you are also vital to the Church, to Canada and to the world.

Now that you have reenergized with the great weather we had on the island this summer, I hope that you are eager to start your meetings and begin your new projects. Please feel free to contact me by phone or email. I look forward to seeing you at Holy Trinity Parish, Nanaimo in a few weeks.

May our Lady of Good Counsel hold you in her loving care,
