Catholic Women's League Victoria Diocesan Council

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Dear Sisters-in-Christ and Father Alfredo:

“As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love.”

John 15, 9

‘Rejoice in the Vineyard of the Lord’468 League sisters from across Canada gathered in Kelowna, BC for the 102nd National Convention after a two year absence from being physically together. I came away from the Convention filled with so much of what we seek to sustain our continued service and to draw energy from. You will see more about the Convention later in this Communiqué and from President-Elect, Bertha Landrie and Past President, Christa Grillmair at the Fall League Development Day. Watch our website for photos, etc.

2002 Resolutions

  1. The Diocesan resolution “End Coercive Foreign Aid Now” was not accepted at the Provincial Convention to be forwarded to the National Convention. It was felt by the committee that the works cited in the brief were more opinion pieces, rather than factual statistical data which would have supported the intent of the resolution. Also, the PEWS poll cited was from 2014 and too dated to support the claims. Thank you Ann Devlin for the work you did on this resolution.

  2. Resolution 2022.01 Enact Federal Legislation to Reduce Food Loss and Waste was passed. This resolution urges the government to enact legislation to reduce food loss and waste in Canada’s agri-foods industrial, commercial and institutional sectors. The Brief, Works Cited and Action Plan can be found on

Instructed Vote

  1. The vote on the per capita fee increase was passed with a 2/3 majority. (11 years since the last increase)

  2. Seven of eight of the Constitution & Bylaws amendments passed with a solid majority. The second amendment the Patroness was defeated. Our Lady of Good Counsel will continue as our Patroness.

  3. All amendments and the increased per capita fee come into effect January 1, 2023.

Spiritual Advisor – Bishop Gary and I are working together to recruit a new Diocesan Spiritual Advisor, until a new Advisor is announced, Father Alfredo Monacelli will continue in this role.

Arms Open Wide – Presented by the Diocesan Liturgical Commission. This free conference is for everyone called to Liturgical Ministry. Keynote Speaker, Mona Goodman, will ground us in hospitality as serve in liturgical ministries.

Palliative Care – Defined as “Palliative Care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients (adults and children) and their families who are facing problems associated with life threatening illness. It prevents and relieves suffering through early identification, correct assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, whether physical, psychological or spiritual.” - World Health Organization

Download Horizons of Hope: A Toolkit for Catholic Parishes on Palliative Care from and use it in your parishes/send out to members. This four part program will empower and educate you by addressing questions surrounding palliative care, dying, death, suffering, accompaniment, and bereavement in a holistic fashion.    Donate to the National Voluntary Fund – Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Palliative Care Kit. It has been slated as a voluntary fund until August 31, 2023.

League Resource Material – Embracing Diversity: Tools for Council Use

To download this 23 page Manual go to → Resources → 600 Series: Manuals →#623.

To sustain a truly diverse membership in the League we need to constantly be welcoming new members to our councils from diverse cultures and generations. This manual includes methods used to encourage cultural and generational diversity.

More tidbits from the National Convention

  • The national organization totaled more than 63,000 members in 1,125 parish councils.

  • Parish councils donated $385,675 to their local parishes, $79,084 to the national voluntary fund and $630,380 to other causes, for a total of $1,095,139 donated to help those in need locally and overseas.

  • 73% of councils reported using the online registration.

  • BC & Yukon paid members as of December 31, 2021 was 7,400 in 123 councils in 6 diocese.

  • Guest speakers included Elizabeth Tomlin, a Catholic author, general counsel for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and a catechist and director of stewardship for the Military Council of Catholic Women, where she also served as president, director of faith formation, and finance manager. And our own Barbara Dowding, former national CWL president, retired Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Vancouver, and co-author of the League’s five-year strategic plan.

As you cannot do what you want. Want what you can do.

Leonardo da Vinci

God bless you in your faithful work “For God and Canada”,


Dates to mark on your calendar for 2022:

  • Fall Diocesan Team Meeting – Virtual – September 19 (link & agenda to be sent out closer to date)

  • Day of Reflection – Church of the Ascension, Parksville – September 24 (see attached)

  • National Truth & Reconciliation Day - September 30