Catholic Women's League Victoria Diocesan Council

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Organization Communique #6--2019

Date: October 17, 2019

Communiqué #6

Fall is one of my favourite seasons.
Markets are filled with fresh, local produce, and the vibrant colours deepen as the days cool. It’s also a time for reflection – to share vacation stories with friends and League sisters, and settle back into the flow of daily life.

Elections for Parish Executive.

Many parishes will be having their elections this fall. Encourage members to take a position as they will definitely grow and enhance their lives as Catholic women. Fran Lucas, our National Organization’s Chairperson recommends a resource on leadership by Brett Powell at: I want to thank all of the organization chairs, both those finishing their terms and moving into presidencies and those continuing in the position for your dedication to your council. You are indispensable member of the executive. Keep up the good work.

Annual Reports from Sharon Geiger, Provincial President-Elect/Organization Chair

“The annual report survey is now available with several updated questions. The implementation committee is gathering information via working groups and has asked for additional questions in the survey to assist in this regard. One question relating to age demographics will produce a better picture of where the League is today. This will help to measure movement in this area in years to come. Establish a procedure for regularly informing diocesan chairpersons of organization (yours truly) on the progress of survey completion More details will be attached to the surveys. I will now have the ability to extract report data, eliminating your need to do so. Your help to ensure greater participation of online survey responses will help all of us.”

Fall Interim Meeting – Our Lady Queen of Peace, Esquimalt

I look forward to seeing you next week, October 28, at the Fall Interim Meeting. The agenda is a busy one and this is a great learning opportunity for everyone on your Council. Please attend and bring everyone with you!

Laurel Phyall, President Elect/Organization

Strategic Plan Update – The League of the Future – Year 1

Christa and I will be presenting this to you at our Fall Diocesan Interim Meeting on October 28. All Councils will want to access this presentation. We will be setting up dates at the meeting. Here are some recommendations from other Dioceses:

  •   It should be done as a stand-alone gathering – not as part of a meeting – to allow time for discussion. It takes 1 - 11⁄2 hours and a social time is very effective.

  •   Your spiritual advisor should be invited to keep him informed

  •   Invite all women of your parish so they can get the “big picture” of the League

  •   It is beneficial to offer a combined presentation to more than one council, as this stimulates discussion.

    Be sure to include nearby smaller or struggling councils.

  •   Neighbouring councils should communicate with each other, so that if a member can’t attend on one

    date, they may be able to make the next.

    This presentation is being well received in other Dioceses and we look forward to keeping everyone current and enthusiastic about the Strategic Planning process.

    Keeping It Together.

    As Diocesan President Elect/Organization Chair, I’ve had to find creative ideas for planning and managing my commitments while organizing my family, volunteer work, household and maintaining my wellbeing. I hope some or all of the tips will help you do the same.

    Map your day. Include breaks, and recognize that you might have to change and adapt plans as needed. If you’re working on a project or planning a big event, divide it into manageable tasks. Include time to eat well, exercise and get fresh air.

    Prioritize. If you have more than one event on the go, make lists. If you feel overwhelmed, write down everything you need to do and give it a number. Recording everything can help to prevent stress and it will feel so good as you cross items off your lists.

    Select. Pick projects and committees that genuinely interest you, so you don’t struggle through something thatdoesn’t inspire you.

    Allocate. Whether for CWL, family or any other of your commitments, set a specific amount of time for each task, so you can focus and get it done more quickly.

    Avoid procrastination. Set a timer and focus on the project until the timer finishes. If you feel stuck, try the “just five” approach. Write just five sentences, work for just five minutes. It might take several these short sessions to finish a task, but short bursts of productive work are better than long hours of frustration.

    Avoid negativity. Sometimes we can be too harsh on ourselves, which doesn’t help us to be more productive; more often it has the opposite effect. Recognizing and nurturing positive traits in oneself is not self-centred or narcissistic – it’s a healthy sign of self-awareness and self-forgiveness.

    “Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.” – Mark Twain May our Lady of Good Counsel hold you in her loving care,

    Laurel Phyall

President Elect/Organization