Bonnie Gillis
As a young newlywed wife of a serviceman, I moved frequently from bases across Canada and Germany. My beginnings in the CWL began as a child, when I helped my mother. My association with the Military Ordinariate (former Vicariate) CWL Council began in 1980 at CFB Petawawa, Ontario, when I was a young mother and wife. I wished to share my faith and artistic abilities with like-minded women of Faith.
I have been honoured to have served in the Executive in one form or other since joining the League. Thankfully the Military (Vicariate) Ordinariate Provincial Council of the CWL was formed for spouses and military women to be part of the League. What a blessing to be part of this Organization, meeting sisters and feeling part of a family no matter where we were moved. I always felt welcomed, cherished and loved for who I am! Through participating in various committees and Executive Positions I have developed and matured in the League, and in life.
There is a close association with our sisters in the League with our civilian counterparts, becoming more of a necessity as members age and bases close. The Comox Council shares a special bond with Courtenay CWL. Many former members and Presidents are active in the Christ the King Council of Courtenay. Over the years we attend Spiritual Celebrations, Funerals, Memorial Masses, Fundraising and joint social events. The year the League celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the CWL, our Comox and Courtenay Councils worked together to participate in the August 1 BC Holiday Parade. A huge Wooden CWL Insignia, including a large Canada Map inscribed For God and Canada adorned a decorated truth, as CWL members dressed in blue and yellow walked together.
Our Scrapbooks attest to the fun-filled shared events such as assisting selling souvenirs at the Airshow, fundraising events or Christmas gatherings. We are always ready to participate and share each other's activities in the League. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Comox Council hosted the 50th Annual Military Ordinariate Provincial Convention, at which we welcomed Presidents from Military Bases across Canada. In turn our ‘MilOrd’ President representsus all at the National CWL Convention. I am now concluding my term as Past President 2018-20 of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Military Ordinariate Council 19 Wing Comox, BC.
I have been honoured to attend the Victoria Diocesan Convention hosted by Campbell River CWL and look forward to attending the BC and Yukon Provincial Convention in Nanaimo, BC. I look forward to reconnecting withPresident Gisela Montagu, my friend with whom I first joined the CWL Sisters in the League.
I pray that Our Lady of Good Counsel will continue to bless and guide the Catholic Women's League of Canada as we evolve and continue our work ‘For God and Canada’.