You can make a difference. Find out why the time is right to add your voice to the largest lobbying voice for women in Canada.
Salt + Light producer Cheridan Sanders joins 800 women from across Canada for the annual national Convention of the Catholic Women’s League—a lay women’s organization 80,000 strong. During her experience, she’s invited to see the Holy Mother Church in a brand new light.
Watch 'Woman on a Mission'
Are you called to advocate for human rights and social justice?
You can offer welcome and comfort to the vulnerable, the needy, and the marginalized.
Are you searching for something worthwhile to make use of your time and talents?
Your commitment could be as easy as maintaining an inexpensive yearly membership, even when you are unable to attend meetings or other events.
Would you like to enrich your faith?
The CWL is rooted in gospel values and calls you and all members to holiness through service to all people of God. Celebrate and foster your Catholic faith with women all across Canada, and right here at home.
Your family is important to you.
The CWL recognizes and celebrates healthy family life. Whether you are a daughter, mother, or grandmother, your role is respected and honoured by the CWL. We invite you to take part in activities and fundraising that promote family life, and lovingly support life in its entirety, from conception to natural death.