Join us for the Spring Interim Meeting at St. Edward's parish in Duncan.
Click here to view/download the Agenda for the Spring Interim Diocesan Executive meeting, and click here to view/download the Agenda for the General Meeting.
Please prepare your two-minute reports for the Spring Interim meetings by reflecting on the first two objects of the League, which are:
To achieve individual and collective spiritual development
To promote the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Executive and Chairs of Standing Committees will report at the Executive meeting. Please tailor your report, by answering the following questions:
- How were you able to apply the first two objectives of the League to your standing committee duties?
- What were some of the successes and challenges?
Parish Presidents will report at the General Meeting: Please tailor your report, by answering the following questions:
- How did you and your Council enhance your peers’, your members’ and your parish’s spiritual development?
- What did you and your Council do to educate your peers, your members, and your parish?What were some of the successes and challenges?
Once you have presented your report, please provide a copy for our Secretary, Daisy Mah.