Our Fall Diocesan CWL Development Day will be held at St. Mary’s Church in Ladysmith on Saturday, October 23rd from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Please come and share this important day with us.
FLASH UPDATE: Here is the latest news about our Interim/League development day. Our event is to be held at: All Saints Parish (St. Mary’s), 1135 4th Ave. Ladysmith. St. Mary’s CWL Council will be preparing our lunch, tea and coffee for a suggest donation of $10. Please RSVP Pat Darling at: marypatriciadarling@gmail.com or 250-245-2321 and let her know if you are attending. If you have to cancel, please let her know so our CWL sisters know how much lunch to prepare.
Please, do come to this important event.