Catholic Women's League Victoria Diocesan Council

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Health & Education Communiqué #1

by Pat Carew, Chair, Health & Education

Dear Sisters in the League:

I am sure that by now you will have received the Water Challenge Pledge Forms so this is just a reminder to encourage your Council Sisters to complete the pledge forms before the deadline of 30 June 2019.  In North America we have not had to worry about the amount of water available but it is time we started.  Water shortages are becoming more and more frequent and, if the trend to more forest fires in the summer continues, we may have to strictly conserve our water supplies. Provincial Chair of Health and Education, Kathy Weswick would like to hear about any special water initiatives that have been undertaken.  If your Council comes up with an innovative way to save water, please let me know about it and I will forward them to Kathy.

To quote our National Chairperson, Faith Anderson:  “The League is a proud supporter of the Canadian Blood Services Partners for Life program.  New and regular blood donors are asked to consider registering for the program under the League’s unique partner identification number 

(CATH011269).  Visit for more information.  Encourage members to donate and use the identification number.

You can have your name associated with this number by going to the website to donate/become a partner, scroll down to Partner FAQ and look up the answer to “I have my Partner ID.  What now?”  For more information view their website at Canadian Blood Services at or phone 1-888-2Donate or 1-888-236-6283,

Did you attend the March for Lifein Victoria on May 9th?  Did your Council participate in the week of 12 Hours for Palliative Care prayers?  If you don’t have a copy of the prayers, they can be found at for palliative prayer and  Do you know the definition of palliative care?  This definition can be found in paragraph three of the brief by the World Health Organization and the International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care.  This paragraph states “that hospice and palliative care provides relief from pain and other distressing symptoms; affirms life and regards dying as a normal process; and neither hastens nor postpones death”.  This definition helps address some misconceptions about palliative care.

The Government has now come out with a new Canada Food Guide.  It provides information on food varieties (although those of us who have tried to lose weight in the past are probably familiar with them) and tips on healthy eating habits. Kathy Weswick suggests in her latest communique that, to follow our Lord’s example, we should either offer a short prayer of thanksgiving before our meal or after it.  Most dinners with Catholics begin with the common dinner prayer “Bless us O Lord . . .”.  A popular prayer after the meal is “We give thee thanks for all our benefits Almighty God, who lives and reigns forever. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace”.

The B.C. and Yukon Provincial Convention in Nanaimo is quickly approaching. For those living north of the Malahat, it is possible to drive to and from the Convention each day.  This helps cut down on expenses and makes attendance more affordable.  Conventions are a great way to meet other CWL Sisters, and find out what other Councils are doing.  Plus there are always interesting and educational workshops provided.  I hope to see many of you there.  If you see me, please come up and introduce yourselves so that I can “put a face to a name”. 

Summer holidays are also quickly approaching.  I hope you all have a happy and healthy summer.  May Our Lady of Good Counsel protect and guide you.

Click here to download the Water Challenge Pledge Form