Time to go forward, and time to look back
Christ the King CWL Council
by Margaret Beardon, Communications Chairperson
Our first meeting of 2019 on January 8 was honored by a visit from our Diocesan President, Christa Grillmair. She gave a presentation on the Strategic Planning Process and Renewal which will take place over the next four years. The strategy defines new core values focusing on Faith, Service and Social Justice.
Service Anniversary pins were presented at the meeting to many of the members, including a 70-year pin that was presented to Isabel Innes.
A very special milestone was reached at the end of January by long-time member, Violet Bardessono, who celebrated her 100th birthday. Her family gave a party for her that was attended by many of her friends and CWL members. Violet was delighted to receive a hand-knitted shawl from members of our CWL Prayer Shawl Ministry. She also received a certificate of Apostolic Blessing from Pope Francis. Violet enjoyed a pleasant afternoon greeting and remembering her friends who came to reminisce about her long and active years in the community where she was born and spent most of her life.