Catholic Women's League Victoria Diocesan Council

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National Convention in Kelowna, B.C. August 14-17, 2022

Report from Catholic Women's League 102nd National Convention August 14-17th, 2022 in Kelowna, B.C.

Prepared by Bertha Landrie, Victoria Diocesan Organization/ Pres. Elect

Walking into the lobby of the hotel I couldn't help noticing so many women moving, talking and laughing. I registered and dropped my bag off in the room I was sharing with Laurel our Diocesan President and Renee our treasurer. The ladies had already taken the shuttle to mass so I went and waited for my shuttle. While I waited I met three ladies from Burnaby Diocese, Flavia, Adriana and Marie. Flavia and I chatted all the way to the beautiful Immaculate Conception Church. After a lovely mass we were invited to a wonderful wine and cheese reception put on by the Knights of Columbus.

Monday we got to hear the Reports of the Provincial Presidents. It woved our country and League together hearing all the good works being done Provence by Provence. I was so impressed and pleased to hear that Saskatchewan has a new Council in an Indigenous Community.

The results from the Instructed vote were given and the rational behind the National fee increase. The vote passed and the increase will come into effect soon. After more reports the Commissioning of the Life Members took place and it felt good to know all these dear members who have given so much to the league were being recognized and receiving Life Member status. Congratulations ladies. I can't end Monday without talking about the Roaring 20s Night. What a fun filled evening. So many woman dressed in flapper style dancing to the Jazz Band music set in a Roaring 20s decorated elegant setting.

Tuesday offered informative and captivating speakers starting with Honorary Life Member Barbara Dowding presenting “The Art Of Accomplishment”. Barbara introduced us to some very accomplished women such as Past Presidents etc. As we sat and witnessed all the things these ladies had done throughout the years, I was struck by how many started out just like everyone else in their Catholic Women's League journey, different ages, some shy and scared, some wondering if they had what it takes to be a leader. Then I realized listening to their stories that so many commented “They didn't have to do it alone because they had mentors and past leaders beside them all the way.” After hearing this, it put some of my own fears to rest as I wait to assume my new role as Diocesan President. I realized I will not be all by myself as I go forward. I know there will be times when I will have questions need some help too and it is OK to ask. So my dear sisters be prepared to hear from me from time to time. Thank you for your help and support in advance.

Tuesday's second speaker was Author Elizabeth Tomlin speaking on the topic “Joyful Momentum” . and “You are the Now of God”. What a great speaker, informative and thought provoking. A Memorial Service for Deceased Members was held and roses were put into a vase by the provincial Presidents. It was a beautiful way to remember our CWL sisters who had recently left us. After back in our room we invited BC members who were going to be part of our Diocese entertainment at the Provincial Dinner to come and practice. We had refreshments and snacks then went down to dinner. We enjoyed a good meal followed by entertainment from all the Diocesan CWL groups, it was a fun evening.

Wednesday began after morning prayer with “The League of the Future: Year 4” by National President- Elect Shari Guinta. This was a Strategic Planning progress report. We had many interesting reports and also instructed voting on C&B amendments. We got back on the shuttle bus and returned to the beautiful Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church for the Closing Eucharistic Celebration and Reaffirmation of Officers. The Gala Banquet was a great opportunity to enjoy a good meal together and take time to say goodbye to our old friends and the new friends we had made.

Reflecting back on the whole Event I would like to say attending a National Convention is a excellent way to get a better understanding about the Catholic Women”s League and get introduced to people working hard in the League not only on the executive but also those hard working women working behind the scenes in administration, membership and many positions that keep the League moving forward. The Convention is a warm and welcoming place to meet women from all over Canada who all have a special place in this organization from Parish Level, Diocesan Level, Provincial Level and National Level. At a large Convention people often believe maybe they will be an unimportant part of all the goings on but they soon realize that they are an important part of this Organization and everything they do both big or small helps make it what it is.

Thank you to the BC Provincial Council for the Provincial Subsidy which was a big help towards my National Convention expenses. I appreciated it so very much.

Being at the National Convention was a wonderful experience everyone should try to have at least once and more if possible.

Bertha Landrie