President's Communique #4 April 21, 2024
“Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the
impossible.”--St. Francis of Assisi
Happy Earth Day everyone. April 22nd is Earth Day, please remember to try and do at least one thing today to help care for our Mother Earth. Reduce, recycle, repurposed, reuse and regift, to name some ways.
Pope Francis reminds us, small yet strong in love of God, like St. Francis of Assisi, all of us, as Christians, are called to watch over and protect the fragile world in which we live, and all its peoples,” (Evangelii Gaudium).
I would like to pass along a gentle reminder of the membership campaign out by National called “the power of “ 1” (One). The aim of this campaigns to recruit, retain and regain members. You can go to National Website and read Vice President Betty Colaneri's Communique #3 for more information.
Betty is our Key Note Speaker for our Diocesan Convention. She will be doing a workshop on “the Power of “1” (One) called “Are you the 1?”
Reminder also that the Molly Boucher Bursary criteria and application form is on the provincial website. Laura Esposito, the Faith Chair for the Provincial Diocese has said thatthere are “no applications” to date for the Molly Boucher Bursary.
Provincial President Catherine L'Heureux is inviting each Parish Council “to encourage their CWL young people to apply for this award.”
From Provincial President Catherine L'Heureux: The National convention: You can now register on line for the National Convention virtually. The cost is $20.00 and well worth the time and effort to attend. There will be a new format for the convention with few reports and more workshops. If you can't be there in person, take this inexpensive, wonderful opportunity to attend.
Catholic Girl's League: “This organization is for young girls age ten to fifteen years old. The CGL manual #647 is under resources on the National website. For 15 years our local council has had a CGL. I recently visited it and encouraged the girls to join the Catholic Women's League when they turn 16 years old.
I also invited their Moms to join as well. They do projects under Faith, Friendship, Formation and Fun. The purpose of CGL is to train future leaders, leaders that are so important in our society today”.
Important Reminders: When emailing, send executive names under “bbc” with your own name in the heading.
Dates to Remember:
—Walk for Life, May 9th, 2024
—Victoria Diocesan Convention Courtenay, May 3, and 4. President's Dinner and meeting May 2, 2024.
—Provincial Convention Kamloops, June 20-22
—National Convention Saskatoon, August 11-14
I am getting so excited about attending the Diocesan Convention and I look forward to seeing everyone who can make it.
Thank you to our hardworking Diocesan team and all our beautiful members in all the parishes for all your good work, laughter and sharing over the last year. Remember, there is a place for all of us in the League.
Bertha Landrie
Victoria Diocesan President