Catholic Women's League Victoria Diocesan Council

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Victoria 96th Annual Diocesan Convention Report: Courtenay, BC, May 3-4, 202

Victoria 96th Annual Diocesan Convention Report
Courtenay, BC May 3rd & 4th 2024

The 96th Annual Diocesan Convention began Thursday evening May 2nd withthe Pre-Convention Dinner & Meeting. After a delicious meal our meetingbegan, and each Parish President gave a meaningful reflection on a quotefrom Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Friday started in a good way with a beautiful Opening Eucharistic Celebration celebrated by our dear Diocesan Spiritual Advisor Father MikeFavero. Father Dean Henderson was the co celebrant. The opening ceremonies concluded with the Treasure’s Report and the Secretary’s Report.

The morning ended with a workshop by Christa Grillmair titled Social Media-Friend or Foe? As wonderful as technology is, we need to be aware there is adark side. Thank you, Christa, for all the helpful and importantinformation you shared with us.

After lunch our Keynote Speaker was Betty Colaneri, the National VicePresident. Her presentation was entitled “Are you the 1?” Everyone canrecruit, retain and regain CWL members. The power of one is amazing. It allstarts with one. Read Betty’s editorial in the League magazine and on theNational website. Thank you, Betty, for coming so far to share your knowledgeand your thoughtful caring nature with us all. Following Betty, Agnes Giegergave the Life Member Liaison Report and Father Mike gave his SpiritualAdvisor Report, and Some thought-provoking Words of Wisdom. Thank you toFather Mike.

The first day ended with an amazing Banquet at the Crown Isle Resort. The meal was so delicious, and our hands were clapping, and our toes weretapping along to the music from “The Happy Gang Group”.

Over the day and a half, we had Executive reports as well as ParishPresident’s reports. Our host council went above and beyond to make us welcome, comfortable and made sure we had everything we needed including tasty lunches each day and lots of door prizes. The raffle draw for Baskets wasa great success. Thank you, Christ the King Catholic Women’s League.

Day two Saturday, began with a Deceased Members and Spiritual Advisors Remembrance. It is always so touching for each Parish President to come up and put a red rose in the vase, then read the names of each CWL member that they lost that year. A white rose is put in for Spiritual Advisors lost also. A short Bursary report was given by Past Diocesan President Laurel Phyall.

I then gave my short President’s address, “What are your Gifts?” I believewhen checked off, several people may have been surprised to see all the gifts they have and some they didn’t realize they had. Everyone has a place in theCatholic Women’s League because we all have gifts to share. As our DiocesanTheme states, “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small thingswith great love.”

Next, we had a “Meetings and Motions” Question and Answer period lead byMaureen Ingram, President of St. Joseph the Worker Parish. There were so many good questions that it was said, “We should have a workshop in the future on this topic.” Thanks Maureen.

Bishop Gary Gordon arrived and did an amazing talk regarding our Diocesan Theme. As always, his talk was so spiritual and meaningful, and everyone there could relate to the part about unconditional love with the example of asmall child giving someone a yellow dandelion. It echoed the virtues of giving and sharing something simple, but so meaningful and loving from the heart ofthat small child. We need to give and share what we have to all those aroundus with that same unconditional love as a child has.

Bishop Gary celebrated the Closing Eucharistic Mass and Father Mike was the co-celebrant. A collection was taken for the Freda Smith Bursary and after the closing hymn we did a Reaffirmation ceremony for the DiocesanExecutive. Thank you to Bishop Gary for sharing his time, guidance andwisdom with us.

Back in the hall the host council was thanked, and planning committeeChair Kathryn Silverstien and President Anna Osmond were given bouquets of flowers. When the business portion was finished, I thanked everyone forcoming and did my closing President’s remarks, Kathy Fadum and her helpers did the dethronement of the Bible and Father Mike offered a closing prayer.The 96th Annual Diocesan 2024 Convention was adjourned. Followed by a post-convention meeting attended by the Diocesan Executive and ParishPresidents.

Respectfully submitted,
Bertha Landrie:
Victoria Diocesan President,
Catholic Women’s League