The days are getting shorter and cooler. Thankfully, we have been blessed with lost of sunshine for November. Advent is almost here and we should try to . . .(More)
Saanich Peninsula CWL Pie and Christmas Bake Sale Saturday Nov.11 & Sunday Nov. 12
St. Patrick's Campbell River Celebrate Their 75th Anniversary
St. Patrick, CWL Campbell River, B.C. participated in the Parish Ministry
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Annual Charity Appeal 2023
Our brothers, the KIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, are holding their 62nd Annual Charity Appeal for 2023. They invite you to buy a ticket from a Knight or by following the directions on this poster. As you know, the Knights are well known for their works of charity and they give great support to our own parishes. You can help them in their work by buying these tickets.
Oh, by the way, you just might win a boat load of money or even a new vehicle. How cool is that?