Catholic Women's League Victoria Diocesan Council

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AUGUST 18 – 21, 2019

By Laurel Phyall

Victoria Diocesan President Elect

Eight hundred forty-six members, spiritual advisors and guests attended the 99th annual national convention of The Catholic Women’s League of Canada at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Calgary, Alberta.

In his homily at the Opening Eucharistic Celebration on Sunday evening, Bishop William McGrattan of Calgary noted that the League must be a voice in the world, a voice that dialogues and points to the integral dignity of each person.

Monday morning, following the Eucharist Celebration, we got down to business, four business sessions took us into the afternoon, which concluded with the commissioning of Life Members. That evening we dressed in our best western attire and attended the ‘Shindig’.

Tuesday morning there were four breakout sessions. Christa Grillmair attended the sessions given by Dr. Peter Baltutis, assistant professor of history and Catholic studies at St. Mary’s University in Calgary, whose topic was “Living Laudato Si’: Practical Tools on How We Can Care for Our Common Home” and Sr. Madeleine Gregg, fcj from FCJ Retreat and Conference Centre who spoke on “Spiritual Practice and Care for Our Common Home”. I attended the sessions given by Dr. Timothy Harvie, associate professor of philosophy and ethics, also St. Mary’s University, whose topic was “What the Catholic Church says about Care for Creation and Why It is Fundamentally Catholic that We Are ‘Good Stewards’ of the Environment” and Marilou LeGeyt, formerly outreach ministries coordinator for the Diocese of Calgary, who shared “A Carbon Conversation: Why is it So Hard to Change? How can We Respond to the Cry of the Poor?”

The keynote speaker was Sr. Dorothy Ederer, a Grand Rapids Dominican Sister, Catholic Chaplain at Holy Cross Service. She informed, entertained and touched our hearts with deft humour; intriguing and often poignant stories; and wonderful videos and songs.

The afternoon closed with the Memorial Service for Deceased Members and Spiritual Advisors. The evening was given over to provincial dinners.

Following Morning Prayer on Wednesday, President Elect, Fran Lucas presented the strategic planning progress report – The League of the Future: Year 1. The rest of the day continued with business sessions and executive reports. The Convention concluded that evening with the Closing Eucharistic Celebration, Reaffirmation of Officers and the Gala Banquet.

Two resolutions were adopted by national council:

2019.01 Canada to Honour its Commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child urges the federal government “to honour its legal commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child by providing legal protection to children before birth.”

2019.02 Canadian support for the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons urges the federal government “to support, sign and ratify United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Other business included sending a letter to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops commending them for their document Protecting Minors against Sexual Abuse: A Call to the Catholic Faithful in Canada for Healing, Reconciliation and Transformation, approving one national day of prayer for Canadian missions and one for Christians in the Middle East.

Thank you again for this wonderful learning opportunity. The breakout sessions and the keynote speaker’s presentation are available on the CWL website,