Odette Hucaluk
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Victoria
Odette Huculak is an active member of Our Lady of the Rosary parish in Langford, BC. She was born in St. Prime, Quebec, a small farming area in the northern St. Jean Country. In 1947 her parents decided to move to Joussard, Alberta, a northern hamlet near Lesser Slave Lake, where together with her eight sisters and one brother, she was raised.
She took her secondary schooling in McLennen where she lived at a boarding house with the Sisters of Providence. The next few years were spent in Calgary and Edmonton where Odette received her post-secondary education, with a Major in Education.
She married Alfred Huculak in 1970, and shortly thereafter moved to the Okanagan. She continued teaching until they started a family. She has three wonderful children and three grandchildren. Her church, family and grandkids are the priorities in her life. Odette keeps in very good shape and enjoys exercise and reading.
Odette has been a member of the CWL for 20 years. Her friend and mentor, Gertrud Niedballa from Vernon, was instrumental in her recruitment in the League. Gertrud’s faith and dedication inspired her with her journey to God.
Odette recalls a Cursillo weekend that she and a good many members of the CWL worked at. They spent an unforgettable three days and nights giving their time, talent, skills, and their rest to make it a memorable weekend for their new recruits. She found this a very special time to spend with CWL members.
Odette’s wish would be that all women of the parish join our League. The League provides us with the opportunity to deepen our spiritual life, to develop our skills, and our God-given gifts. Members form a supportive sisterhood that last a lifetime. As we walk with the Lord we are committed to fight for social justice and religious freedom for all humanity.