I am forwarding this Memo to you as it was written and commented on by both National and Provincial Legislation Chairpersons. I fear that many of us may feel weary of hearing about Bill C-7 yet, again. However, these proposed additions to the MAID (medical assistance in dying) further threaten our elderly, sick, mentally ill and disabled people. Many of the soon to be newly “qualified” people are members of our own families.


Despite the COVID epidemic, the business of government carries on. However, there are particular bills and legislation both on the Federal and Provincial levels that cause us grave concern. To this end, our Provincial Legislation Chairperson, Sheila Doherty, has taken the time and effort to educate us on important issues arising from some proposed bills and, in one case, a decision already taken. Sheila also gives some suggestions on how we might address these concerns.


As all of you know, we are now in the season of Advent and have just started a new liturgical year. We spend our days looking forward to the gift of Christ’s Mass, when he enters our world as one of us.

But, there is one celebration that is one with Christmas, yet one we observe later. That is, the Feast of the Magi when those wise men from the East bestow their gifts on the Christ child. I ask you, is there a law that says we cannot have a wise woman? Or does such a wise woman only have to share her gifts with the babe?

Resolutions: what are they?

Resolutions: what are they?

Each year, CWL members are invited to discuss resolutions with provincial and federal ministers. There currently are 97 active resolutions listed the www.cwl.ca website.

Resolution topics  include religious freedom, renewable energy, toxic substances in household or garden products, abolition of the death penalty, suicide prevention, fighting child poverty, protection of human life, pornography awareness, supporting legislation against prostitution and human trafficking, fighting for rights of conscience for health care professionals in light of Canada’s assisted suicide law and advocating for quality care at the end of life by supporting palliative and hospice care. All active resolutions posted on the national CWL website have specific action plans.