My dear sisters in the League and Fr. Alfredo:
I have received a communique from my Provincial counterpart, Sharon Ciebin, with the enclosure of a letter from Margaret Ann Jacobs, our National President, a copy of which I am enclosing for your information.
Many of our councils have had members bring this issue up, as I did, and I spoke to Bishop Gary Gordon about it, as I have communicated to you. We now have a directive from our National President to hold funds designated for Development and Peace. We will not formally distribute funds through CWL until this issue is clarified by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB). It is my intention to continue to support Development and Peace on a personal level, as so much good is being done, and I would hate to see aid cut off to those who desperately rely on our support for daily living. The devil tries to undermine our works for Our Lord, and in my heart I want to do what Bishop Gary told me to do- continue to support Development and Peace. Of course, my contribution is very small, but if each of us contributes a little, we can help to keep things going while this is once again clarified by our Catholic Bishops. This is the season of Lent- a time to pray and prepare our way, and give what we are able, to support those less fortunate. Hopefully this will soon be settled once and for all, and the funds okayed for distribution.
I have just received my annual report from National giving the results of the Parish Council’s year end reports. Unfortunately, there were no reports for: Salt Spring Island, St. Andrews Cathedral, St. Edward, Saanich Peninsula, and Sacred Heart. If those councils could send me an e-mail giving me a snapshot view of what your Community Life programs did to work for God and Canada through 2017 I would be so grateful. I will try and amalgamate this information into my report which I need to submit by March 31st.
Yesterday I attended the World Day of Prayer which was held at Knox United Church, with members from the Salvation Army, Anglican, United, Lutheran and Catholic churches taking part. It was a very moving presentation and afterwards we gathered in their lounge for refreshments and fellowship. It was so heartwarming to see so many Christian men and women gathered to pray together for His kingdom. Our parish was very well represented which was a bonus. We are doing something right in getting the word out about these events.
I will quote from Sharon’s communique as this really touched my heart:
“Pope Francis, in one of his homilies stated, in part, that “without women, there is no harmony in the world. It is her who brings that harmony that teaches us to caress, to love with tenderness; and who makes the world a beautiful place”. In another article he tells us to join a group who focus on social justice issues. The reason I continue to emphasize this is that as women, we are needed and we are called to provide service to others, no matter our abilities.” Thank you, Sharon!
We are all sisters in the Catholic Women’s League for this reason. If the only thing your members are able to do is pray, then please encourage them to pray. Our Lady of Good Counsel loves to carry our prayers to her Son, and He loves to hear from us.
May Our Lady of Good Counsel continue to guide us as we do our best to work for God and Canada. Warming hugs.
Respectfully submitted;
Tina Hanlon
Victoria Diocesan Community Life Chairperson