“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair ...”

Charles Dickens wrote this in 1859 but it could now be written about 2020. This year started out so hopeful. We held our diocesan spring meeting in Courtenay and the ladies at Christ the King spoiled us with their hospitality. What a lovely meeting it was as Father Alfie led us through a beautiful Lenten reflection, we participated in workshops and spent quality time with our sisters. We talked about our plans for our League’s 100th Anniversary and looked forward to seeing each other again in April at the diocesan convention at Lake Cowichan.

When I attended the mid-March provincial executive meeting in Langley, we were somewhat aware that there was a virus. Near the end of the meeting, Bishop Gary called and asked me to cancel the diocesan convention. That’s when reality hit and I realized that this was a very serious issue and I self-isolated for 14 days when I returned home. Bishop Gary then issued directives for attending Mass and parishes worked hard to establish protocols for sanitizing and contact tracing. All our CWL meetings and most community events were either cancelled or became virtual and words like social distancing, flattening the curve, herd immunity and self-quarantine became common expressions. We were encouraged to wear a mask and keep to our social bubble.

It took a lot to keep motivated. We had to come up with new ways to connect and on May 5th, we had our first Zoom call with our diocesan executive. Since then diocesan executive and parish council presidents have been meeting monthly on Zoom and each month more people feel confident to join us. Actually one of the upsides of this pandemic is that we are now invited into each other’s home, albeit virtually, and we are seeing each other more often. At our meetings, Father Alfie provides us with his wisdom, making our meetings spiritually enlightening and we do our best to share information and support each other. Our members keep in touch through newsletters, phone calls and emails and continue to look for ways to keep reaching out. Some have even started their own Zoom meetings.

It is now December and we’re ten months into the pandemic and back to even stronger restrictions. Christmas is just around the corner and we can no longer attend church services or meet socially. For some, this is a very sad and lonely time, especially if family is far away. But there is a vaccine on the horizon and I know that the “winter of despair” will lead to a “spring of hope”.

Looking back, I am grateful for our health and for the many people who have adhered to wearing a mask, maintaining their distance and keeping their social circles small. But I am most grateful for you for giving me purpose, support and the encouragement to find new ways to keep going. I am so blessed to call you my sisters.

My Our Lord keep you healthy and safe and may He shine His light on you to guide you through the Christmas season. I look forward to 2021 and the many hugs I hope to collect from all of you. Merry Christmas!
With love and gratitude,
