Good Afternoon, Friends: You know, I think our CWL is kinda like water. It's everywhere and will always find a way in. Our people, like our members at Ascension Church up in Parksville, B.C., didn't let a little thing like a world wide plague get in the way of working with community partners to successfully run a baby shower for mothers in need. Here is their account.


Viola Cyr Coordinator Ascension CWL President: Carmen Teller

“In the past our Church of the Ascension, Parksville, CWL council has annually hosted a baby shower on behalf of the Crossroads Pregnancy Centre in Nanaimo, inviting all of the churches in our Oceanside community to participate. This year, due to continued Covid-19 restrictions, we were again unable to do this and so decided instead to hold a Drive Thru Baby Shower. 

The Crossroads Pregnancy Centre is a faith-based organization that aids pregnant women in crisis regardless of race, religion or creed. They serve clients between Campbell River to the north and Ladysmith to the south of Vancouver Island. 

Invitations were sent out asking people to participate by donating new baby clothing and items, age birth to three years, as well as monetary donations, if they so choose. 

We organized it to be held in the church parking lot on two successive Saturdays, March 20th and March 27th. Donors were directed to drive through and drop off their items to the CWL members in attendance. Masks and social distancing policies were strictly observed. We are pleased to report that it was a tremendous success with 93 vehicles passing through. Enough baby items were collected to fill three vans, as well as substantial monetary donations. The support of the council and the community was so gratifying. 

In addition, it was a fun event as we were able to reconnect with CWL sisters we had not seen since last year.”

Well done, good and faithful servants.