World Day of Prayer 2024 Report
Hosted by Saanich Peninsula Parish Catholic Women’s League
at St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church, 10030 Third St, Sidney BC
March 1, 2024, 1PM
Submitted by Fatima Warner, SPP CWL President
Planning Committee consisted of a chair, Cathy Genge; promotion organizer, Christine Dion; treasurer Susan Nawrocki; reception organizer, Elaine Lue and organizer of music and tech, Fatima Warner.
In total, over 160 people from 9 local churches attended and participated. We also sent an invitation to CWL Victoria Diocese members and several of them attended.
We collected $1870 for the Women’s Interchurch Council of Canada.
The service leaders were Margaret McAvity from St Andrews Anglican church and our CWL Past President Cathy Genge. The 3 readers were from our parish and St Elizabeth's Parish Council chair, Alice Valiquette, gave our welcome and land acknowledgement.
The choir was led by Michael MacEwan with representatives from several local churches. Our song selections were “We are Companions on the Journey”, “Dona Nobis Pacem”, “Hymn of St Francis”, “Peace is Flowing like a River”, “Christ Be Our Light” and our closing hymn was a rousing “Let there be Peace on Earth”
Most of the attendees stayed after the service for refreshments and community. More information about Palestine and WIC grants were provided along with the hummus, pita, fruits and vegetables.
We invited the participating churches to consider hosting in 2025 when the service will be from the women of the Cook Islands on the theme ‘I Made You Wonderful’. Our chair will follow up with contacts made.
For participating churches bulletins:
Thanks to all who attended the World Day of Prayer on Friday. Over 160 people from 9 local churches participated. In addition to powerfully praying for and with the women of Palestine, we raised $1870 for the Women’s Interchurch Council’s grant program. Most of the attendees stayed after the service for refreshments and community. More information about Palestine and WIC grants were provided along with the hummus, pita, fruits and vegetables.