Dear Sisters in the League and Father Mike:
You might know that my Vice-President Diocesan communiques are supposed to reflect the thoughts of our Provincial Vice-President’s communiques. What a surprise! Our most recent communique from the Province talks about membership and reports! My two most favourite topics. So, I wish to update you on what’s new and upcoming in our Diocese of Victoria as well as report to you on the findings of our 2024 National Survey.
In respect to our new structure, 92% of our councils have adopted the new model. However, some councils still think there is a need for clarity on the duties of some of the chairs ; particularly Service and Social justice. We continued educating our members on these issues though League Development Day speakers.
More to the point, clarification on the roles of the new executive structure is moot as a large number of councils cannot find enough members to fill the various positions. These councils fill the most essential chairs and take on the other tasks as extra duties. Councils say that their aging membership is a major obstacle to executive recruitment and leadership. In my opinion, there should be some training on what leadership actually is and not so much on how to be a leader. This could help our women see that they are already leaders in so many areas and encourage them to step up.Councils continue to put a lot of effort into recruiting new members and re-signing up former ones.
Recent statistics show that our Diocese has 935 members. Our goal for 2024 was to have 945, but we fell ten short of this number. However, our diocese also experienced an unusual lost of 46 women this past year. So, the math shows that we actually added a fair number of new members that mitigated much of this loss.
Personal invitations have proven to be the most successful method of recruitment although national campaigns are also useful. I think that the downward membership slide has slowed or even stopped and that we may look forward to increasing our membership over the next few years.
Our councils also make phone calls and send cards and meeting minutes to those members who for some reason cannot attend meetings or are considering not renewing their memberships.
Our councils continue promoting the League through recruitment drives, personal invitations and special events such as teas, pot-lucks, rummage/garage sales and other charitable projects.
Most councils use email, communiques and meetings as their primary means of communication.Telephones, websites, and Facebook are also well used.
I have two important things to say. First of all, in respect to membership, many councils, including my own, are adding new members including sisters who have transferred from other areas.This bodes well for our strength here on the island.
Second of all, I believe that God invites us to be in that place which is our vocation. That being the case, I believe that God has invited each of you to be a CWL sister. This is a vocation or a call. Therefore, I invite all of you to be truly in this place that God has called you to. Be there and do what you know to do. Being a leader is not necessarily standing up and speaking to hundreds of people. It can be but, it also can be leading by example. That is leadership, too. Therefore, I invite each of you to take a look at your council and see what needs to be done. If your executive is short a couple of people, step up. Take a look at what you know and do it. You’ll be surprised what you can do for the Glory of God, service to the Church,Canada and the world.
Blessings on your day and see you at our League Development Day, March 1st in Campbell River and at our Annual Convention in Duncan May 2nd and 3rd 2024.
Gerry Heywood
Vice President, CWL Diocese of Victoria