Past President Communique #1 May 10, 2021

Past President Communique #1

Date: May 10, 2021 Communiqué #1

From:  Christa Grillmair, Past-President

Dear Sisters-in-Christ and Father Alfredo:

On April 24, 2021, I passed the gavel on to our new President, Laurel Phyall and took on the position as your Past-President. Laurel has already sent you her first communique, so I want to follow her lead!

As I move on to my new job, I checked the Executive Handbook for the roles and responsibilities of a Past President at all levels of the League.  Here’s my commitment to you:

  1. I will be available to help, in a consultive and advisory capacity.

  2. I will review and organize our archives once we are again able to access them.

  3. I will work with you to help you to better understand our League’s Constitution and Bylaws and the various proposed changes.

  4. I will review and update the Diocesan Policy and Procedures Manual.

  5. I will be available help you develop or adapt your own CWL Parish Council’s Policy and Procedures Manual.

I will continue to work on projects with National on the marketing and communications working groups and I encourage you to keep promoting the various social media site links on the To Inspire page of the national website, And do remember to keep sending your council’s activities (with photos and/or videos) to our webmaster, Gerry Heywood at so that she can post them to our diocesan website and diocesan Facebook page.

If there is anything that I can help you with, please let me know.

Christa Grillmair