President's Communique #8 December 30, 2022

Dear Sisters in the League and Father Mike:

The unfailing love of the Lord never ends! – Lamentations 3,22

As we look forward to the New Year, it is fitting that many of your councils will have elections for your own new beginnings. Your incoming executive will follow the new structure approved by the National Convention in August. A very warm welcome to all who have stepped up to assume executive roles in your councils. Thank you very much to those of you who are retiring from your parish executives – please consider whether you are called to serve on the diocesan level in some way.

Adoption of the Year 5 Strategies – the final five strategies

  1. Develop a protocol to periodically evaluate existing spiritual programs.

  2. Recruit existing parish leaders.

  3. Develop local partnerships.

  4. Evaluate and possible redesign eligibility to run for office at higher levels/expand the criteria for eligibility for office.

  5. Research software to facilitate collaboration and ease of burden among teams.

All strategies from the strategic plan are now either underway or completed. The implementation committee will be looking for volunteers interested in any of these particular topics in the near future.

Updated Constitution & Bylaws/Instructed Vote

The new Constitution & Bylaws is awaiting approval from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. However, there are many updated and helpful manuals available on the national website which can be downloaded for free. You should have already received the instructed vote material regarding virtual meetings. If you have not received this document by January 8th, please contact the national office at 204-927-2310 or via email to

2023 Unity Outreach Project

The purpose of the outreach is to reestablish a connection between councils at all levels, especially parish councils, to help each council discover its role in the League and to provide assistance to enhance that role. Watch for more information on this national project which will have a diocesan officer visiting each parish council twice during the year,

Annual Reports   “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.”

– Winston Churchill

The annual survey link has been sent to parish councils and will be used to prepare a report for national officers. I have been given access to the annal survey system to draw the report of parish councils for the Diocese of Victoria, which I will then use to prepare a report to be sent to the provincial president. The deadline for the survey link is January 15. I cannot write a report without your information, please complete the survey, it is only six questions for each executive officer.

Resolution 2022.01 Enact Legislation to Reduce Food Loss and Waste

2022 has seen record inflation and food prices rising in numbers not seen in decades. The latest Canada Food Price Report food prices will continue to increase by another 5 - 7% on average in 2023, which will add hundreds of dollars to the annual family’s food budget. Numbers like these are quite alarming and emphasize the importance of encouraging the government to act on our resolution. The brief cites alarming statistics of food loss waste which can only contribute to sharply increasing prices. With appropriate legislation in place, it is estimated that waste can be reduced by 32% annually, thereby reducing costs to us, the consumers and providing more food security for all Canadians. I encourage you to ask your councils to review the brief and action plan for this important resolution. More information is on the website →To Act On →Resolutions by year.

World Water Day

This annual United Nations observance has been held on March 22 every year since 1993, focusing attention on the importance of fresh water. It raises awareness that there 2.2 billion people living in our world without access to safe water. This year’s theme is Accelerating Change through Partnerships and Cooperation. Let us educate our members and ask them to take action to tackle the global water crisis and to not take for granted that we can just turn on our taps and have good, clean water.

Scholarships and Bursaries

  1. The Molly Boucher bursary application deadline is March 31, 2023. The application/guidelines can be found at under Resources/Bursary.

  2. The National Bursary Fund applications must be submitted to the national office and postmarked by May 15th. The history and purpose, criteria and guidelines and application form can be found at under To Organize/500 Series/Forms.

  3. The application deadline for the Victoria Diocesan CWL Bursary ‘In Memory of Freda Smith’ will be March 25th. The criteria and application form are enclosed. This information will also be emailed to the current email list of parish offices provided by the Diocesan Pastoral Centre.’

Comprehensive Register – please help Isabel and I keep it up to date by emailing us your list of Council Executive Officers, including position, name, address, telephone number (& cell) and email address. Isabel can be reached at You also need to email your list to the National Office at

Dates to mark on your calendar for 2023:

Winter Diocesan Team Meeting – Virtual – January 23 (link & agenda to be sent out closer to the date)

Health Care for Seniors – Church of the Ascension, Parksville – January 25 10:30 am – 1:30 pm

Diocesan League Development Day – St. Edward’s, Duncan – March 25

Diocesan Convention – Sacred Heart, Victoria – April 21 & 22

I wish you and your loved ones a truly Happy New Year and may God bless you,
