Dear League Sisters and Fr. Alfredo,
I had a hot and smoky drive to Winnipeg for the 98th Annual National Convention, it was 45˚C in Medicine Hat when we arrived, 42˚ in Regina. The smoke followed us all the way to Winnipeg, but was the worst was around Calgary. It was a great opportunity for my husband, Doug, and I to visit many of our relatives on the prairies. It was also a great bonding experience to share a hotel room with our President, Christa Grillmair.
Thank you to all the Organization Chairpersons and Presidents who got back to me with their membership numbers over the summer. The National Office staff has processed the majority of this year’s memberships. I have attached the membership spreadsheet (as of August 31) prepared by our Treasurer, Renee Johnson. If there are any discrepancies, please let me know.
In her first communiqué, Sharon Geiger, Organization Chairperson and President-Elect enumerated the common goals of Organization Chairpersons at all levels. I share these with you:
Recruit members and maintain membership: In Fran Lucas’ communiqué she states that we need to encourage women 16 years of age and older in order to get a taste of what the League is really about. She says that the Catholic Girls League (CGL) is an excellent sarter for girls to be initiated as future League members. More information on starting a CGL, can be obtained directly from National Office. Promote the League and identify the needs of current members and those of the women of the parish and plan programs to meet those needs. We need to educate members about the League as well, so that leaders can be developed.
Leadership development: I have attached the National Development Fund revised guidelines. Provincial and some diocese also provide assistance through leadership development funds. Leadership development helps members gain confidence to be leaders. Long time members, Honorary Life members and Life members are always willing to help with leadership development. Give them a call.
League resource materials: There are many resources to educate members. Such as the Constitution & Bylaws; National Manual of Policy and Procedure; Executive Handbook and Handbook for Organization Chairpersons. These should be at your fingertips. You can also go to the national ( or provincial and diocesan ( websites for workshops, forms or programs under each standing committee. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Annual reports: This will be the third year for electronic reporting. Let’s see if we can get 100% participation.
Life membership: At the 98th Annual National Convention 10 new life members were commissioned by way of a prayer service. The nomination deadline for life members is September 15thofeach year. Please review the criteria carefully
It is never too early to start preparing for the League Membership Drive, let us find ways to reach out to all the women in our parishes. Who wouldn’t want to belong to an organization that is vital to the church, to Canada and the world? Why wouldn’t all Catholic women want to belong to such a life-giving group?
I look forward to seeing you at the Interim Meeting on Monday, October 1 at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, 798 Goldstream Avenue, Langford.
May our Lady of Good Counsel hold you in her loving care,