Organization Communique #2

Date: December 14, 2021 Communique #2 

From: Bertha Landrie, Organization and President Elect

Sisters in the League and Father Alfredo: 

Advent occurs during preparations for Christmas and although we feel busy, anxious and determined to find the perfect gift we need to remember that Jesus is and always was, the perfect gift. We need to slow down and allow our hearts time and peace to prepare to receive him. Jesus brings love, peace and joy not only at Christmas but all through the year. No other gift we receive can do that. 

By now you have heard about the “All for one and one for all” membership contest. I am going to list the contest rules if you don't have them or have forgotten them: 

  1. The contest will run from November 15th, 202 1untilFebruary15,2022 atMidnight.

  • 2) Prizes in the form of a certificate will be awarded as follows. Councils that recruit the most
    members. This will be tallied in two ways: the council with the largest increase and the
    council with the largest percentage increase.

  • 3) Have Fun!

  • 4) Parish council presidents or organization chairpersons write down your council name and where it is located. Also write down your your membership increases and email to your diocesan organization Chairperson (that is me Bertha Landrie) before February 15, 2022. I will then forward the top 3 councils in our diocese to Catherine L'Heureux Provincial Organization Chairperson.

Every member is being asked to ask one woman to become a Catholic Women's League member. Ask friends, acquaintances, neighbors and relatives. Keep in mind, non Catholics can become associate members. If every member can recruit one new member, our BC/Yukon numbers would go from 7500 to 15,000. Getting our numbers up will bring in new people with new ideas while invigorating all our present members. Yes, this can happen if every current member gets a new member. So talk to that woman and if you don't get a new member, you might get a new friend. 

Another exciting program in the works right now from National is the “CWL Executive Training Program” Hopefully your parish has began presenting this program to your members. Each module has interesting and facts about a different aspect of the League. For new members it is a perfect way to get to know the League. For more experienced members it is a wonderful refresher program to go over and reinforce what you already know or may have forgotten. If you need more information go to and click on “To Organize”. 

Training and Development Using Technology Survey: It can be done on a mail in form or online at (I have already done it and it only took a few minutes). Your feedback is very important. The working group is looking for responses from members throughout Canada. Every voice matters. The deadline to participate is December 15, 2021. 

Mail in written Annual Reports should be sent in by today. On-line Annual Reports are due by January15,2022. Thanks you everyone for your good work on getting these in. 

I pray you all have a Wonderful Christmas with Jesus at the center of it. May the New Year bring much love, peace and good health to you and all your families. 

Blessings, Bertha 

Dates to mark on your calendar for 2022: 

  • Winter Diocesan Team Meeting – Virtual – Monday, January 17

  • Spring League Development Day – St. Patrick’s, Victoria – March 12

  • Diocesan Convention – St. Peter’s, Nanaimo – May 13 & 14

  • Provincial Convention – Virtual – June 17 – 19

  • National Convention – Kelowna – August 14 – 17

  • Fall Diocesan Team Meeting – Virtual – September 19