Dear Sisters in the League and Father Alfredo:

Here is the latest Provincial Communique from Sylvia Jurys and, as usual, it is full of useful information. For example, Sylvia put in a “link’ you so you can sign up to participate in surveys concerning the many changes that are coming to our league with the new strategic plan. I have just now signed up for these surveys.

Sylvia has also updated us on our progress on actions taken on some of our resolutions. Resolutions do not die once they are passed at a National Convention (hopefully) but become part of the ongoing work of our league. I think you will find this update interesting.

In closing, I would like to wish all of you best wishes for a Happy New Year and hope to see you at our Spring Interim meeting and Diocesan Convention!

Gerry Heywood
Diocese of Victoria CWL: Communications Chair

December 17, 2019

December 17 how did this date arrive so early? Here we are in the third Sunday of Advent the week of Joy and our pastor reminded us last Sunday that acronym for JOY is “Jesus, Others and You” and all 3 are needed to understand who Jesus is. A deep subject that can consume one’s inner self to understand more fully what God really expects of us to do His Will and especially during this time of year. It certainly gave me a jolt! Do we take time to listen and talk to God? Do we keep in touch with friends and family who live far away from us? Do we support our foodbanks, or buy a sandwich for a homeless person who is standing at the door of the grocery store? Do we help our elderly neighbour with shopping, offer to give then a ride take to see their doctor’s or invite them into our home for a cup of tea? We can get caught up with our own busy schedules and become oblivious other the “Other” in “JOY”. This is certainly food for thought for acts of kindness and communication. As I have mentioned many times before, face-to-face, and hand-written letters, or a kind gesture, work best for us to show love for our family, friends and neighbours not known to us by name, anywhere and everywhere in our life.

Implementation of the Strategic Plan

The Implementation of the Strategic Plan Committees have devoted hundreds of hours on Goals 1 and 2 over the past months and are looking for more participants to join the survey group. It is disappointing that less than 600 participants have registered from across Canada as at October 31st. Visit www. https://cwl.ca/implementation-of-the- strategic-plan/ for more information on the status of the program and instructions on how to register for the surveys,

Pornography Hurts and Mandatory Age Verification Postcards

Now that the federal government cabinet minsters and members of parliament are back in session it is time to send the subject postcards to the following:

The Right Honorable Davis Lametti Minister of Justice
House of Commons
OttawaON K1A0A6

and your local Member of Parliament
see following link for list of all MP’s: https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/search?


Following are the Links from the National website to download the artwork for both postcards. Remember to change the size on the artwork to 100% save it to your PC and then send/take it to your print shop. Have the postcards printed on uncoated card stock.

https://www.cwl.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Pornography-Hurts-Everyone-Postcard.pdf https://cwl.ca/instructions-for-printing-pornography-hurts-postcard/ *


Same printing instructions as the * instructions above

Council Elections

Many councils will be having elections for the 2020-2021 term. Remember to pass along your records from this year and all communiques from the BC & Yukon Provincial Council website. https://bcyukoncwl.com/communications/communiques/

Use of the national logo

A friendly reminder that if you plan to use the national logo on your bulletins, advertising, tickets, raffle tickets, swag (t-shirts, bags etc.) that will need to send the artwork to communications@cwl.ca for approval prior to use.

One more important reminder:

A reminder that the Easter Communicator will be published in April 2020 and I would love to have an article and photographs of what your Councils have been up to over the winter and spring. It would be great to have news from all the councils in the province.

The theme of the Easter Communicator is

“Alleluia, He is Risen”

Please email your submissions to me at comm@bcyukoncwl.com by April 1, 2020.

I pray that your Christmas is full of joy and happiness that the Christ child brings. May Our Lady of Good Counsel pray for us,
Sylvia Jurys

Chairperson of Communications
