President: Christa Grillmair Spiritual Advisor: Rev. Alfredo Monacelli
National Theme: Care for our Common Home
Diocesan Theme: Solid Rock; Living Waters
November 26, 2020 Memo: #1
To: Diocesan Officers and Standing Committee Chairs (for action) Council Presidents (for action)
Provincial Communication Chairperson (for information) Diocesan Spiritual Advisor (for information)
From: Gerry Heywood, Diocesan Communication Chairperson Dear Sisters in the League and Father Alfredo,
It may seem strange that even though so many of us are under some form of “lock down”, there is more going on with our League than ever before. Perhaps part of this is because the new media allows us to communicate with each other more easily than ever. Or, more darkly, there are more serious issues confronting us. Either way, we have a lot to talk about.
I will tackle the dark matters first thus leaving us to look at more positive things.
I am certain that all of you are familiar with the legal battle to keep Delta Hospice free of doctor assisted suicide. I refer you to CFAX 1070 Radio for the legal arguments surrounding the court battle. If you go to CFAX 1070 Radio, click on shows, click on Adam Stirling and go to Thursday, November 19 and Legally speaking, lawyer Michael Mulligan will discuss this case and where it stands.
Many charities are struggling to provide some Christmas cheer to people in need because of all the issues surrounding COVID. You may want to consider choosing a particular charity and find out how you can help. Many organizations are requesting cash donations rather than gifts and food stuffs because of fear of viral contamination.
Now for something more cheerful!
Sylvia Jurys, our Provincial Communications Chairperson, is asking you to send her your news, COVID happenings, tree planting stories and photos as well as greetings so they can be published in our Provincial Advent Communicator. Could you also make sure any photos you send her are in the jpeg format.
Some of our councils are arranging to have a virtual Christmas luncheon through ZOOM. People set up their own special lunch and beverages at home and have it during the meeting. I know one council that is planning to have a Christmas reading. If you do this, I am sure you will be very creative in your party planning. Please don’t forget to invite your spiritual advisor! You may also want to invite other guests, as well.
I didn’t know if I should have put this item under “Dark News” or cheerful stuff. I’ll go with cheerful. Council annual reports are ready to be completed. Check with your president for the council codes, etc. Normally, I would put annual reports under the “Dark” banner, but these ones are so very easy to do. There’s lots of people to help you such as the webinar on the national cwl site. I’m certain you have good computer savvy people on your council, and if all else fails, give me a call.
Finally, I would like to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year. Yes, we live in troubling times but with God’s help, the intercession of Our Lady of Good Council and the strength of our sisters in the League, we will get through these challenges.
Gerry Heywood
Diocese of Victoria: CWLCommunications Chairperson