COMMUNIQUE # 9 January 9, 2021

Date: January 9, 2021  Communications Communique #9

FROM: Gerry Heywood, Diocesan Chair of Communications 

Dear Sisters in the League and Fr. Alfredo,

Sylvia, once again, has sent us a communique chock full of interesting ideas, important dates and information about our League.

I am struck by the dichotomy many of our sisters in the League are experiencing. (Yes, I had to look up the spelling of this 25 cent word and its meaning: “Dichotomy—a division or contrast between two things that are represented or being opposed or entirely different.”)

What I want to say, is that many of our sisters are experiencing the feeling that their League and councils have been shut down and nothing is happening except for waiting out the COVID epidemic. On the other hand, Sylvia has pointed out that there is more happening for us League members than ever before.

I invite all of you to read Sylvia’s communique carefully and follow up her suggested links to sites such as the Provincial and

National web sites. There, you will find encouragement, spiritual food and learning more about our beloved League. We may be waging a battle with this epidemic but God has not abandoned us; neither has our League.

Stay safe and pray,
Gerry Heywood, Victoria Diocese CWL Chair


Dear Sisters in the League and Father David:

The news today from the Provincial Health Authority is the word that previously announced restrictions have been extended to February 5 in a continued hope that the COVID-19 curve will level out and into a position that is acceptable for us to return some normalcy that would allow us to attend Holy Mass and the Eucharist together, albeit with guidelines for social distancing.

As mentioned in in my last communique and those of the national chairperson of communications, Doreen Gowan’s communiques, there are many opportunities for us to be together in faith:

Some of our many communication options:

• Daily Mass on ETWN and Salt and Light that are aired on your television network.

• Vatican News - lots of news from around the world

• Livestreamed Masses from your Church

• Hold Council Zoom Meetings, to register click here to get you started if have not done so already:

• Continue to call your CWL members, especially those who do not have a computer and access to email.

• Write letters or send a greeting card to your CWL Sisters and friends

• Set daily time to say the rosary and pray to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour

If you have not had a chance to read Doreen Gowans, the National Chairperson of Communications most recent communique, here is an excerpt and exciting news of a new method marketing the Catholic Women’s League of Canada on social media:

News from Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be celebrated 18 to 25 January 2021 on the theme “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (John 15:5-9). The resources in English and in French can be freely downloaded from the Canadian website for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The theme and biblical texts for this annual Week of Prayer are jointly prepared by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches. The thematic introduction to the 2021 materials comes from the Monastic Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland, a group of religious sisters from different church traditions brought together by a common vocation of prayer, community life and hospitality and by their commitment to Christian unity.

National and regional Councils of Churches adapt the resources for their local context. The resources for Canada are produced by an ecumenical writing team coordinated by the Commission on Faith and Witness of the Canadian Council of Churches (CCC). The CCCB is a member of

the CCC and is also represented on its Canadian writing team for the Week of Prayer.

Link to Canadian resources
Link to international version of the resources

Some of you may know of my walking expeditions of 2020 that I began when I started to feel sorry for myself four months after COVID-19 hit and isolation began taking its toll on my mental health. I decided to register at “My Virtual Mission” to walk the El Camino de Santiago pilgrimage from the Pyrenees on the west coast of France to the Cathedral of St. James the Great on the west coast of Spain. It was a distance filled with prayer and scripture for 780km from July 17 to September 13, that increased my faith and brought me closer to God particularly during the steps of Jesus from the Garden of Gethsemane to His laying in the tomb, and all the people I met on the way. It was truly amazing. During the rest of the year, I continued with my virtual missions

” The League is happy to introduce to members a new permanent webpage that has been added

to the national website. “To Inspire” will be the home for inspirational messaging and videos promoting the League. Be sure to share with everyone you know! Follow the League @CWLNational on social media, including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter to stay connected and spread inspiration”

and walked the Ring of Kerry in Ireland, Hadrian’s wall that separates England from Scotland, Mount Fuji and the Great Ocean Road in Australia, for a total of 1,600 kilometres in all! I would recommend that you give the Missions a try, you will be surprised how you will grow in your faith in prayer whilst walking. This year, I have set myself a goal to

walk 3,500 kilometres by the end of the year. I invite you to come and join me!

Important dates to remember:

January 15: Council Annual Reports due to National

January 18-25: Annual week of prayer for Christian unity

February 17: Ash Wednesday

March 5: World Day of Prayer

March 19: Feast of St. Joseph

April 4: Easter Sunday

April 26: Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel

For communiques and news visit the National and BC & Yukon Websites:

Provincial Council website: National Website:

One more important reminder:

A reminder that the Easter Communicator will be published in late March and I would love to have news, stories, COVID happenings, tree planting, Greeting, reflections etc. and articles. Would you kindly send any photographs in .jpeg format as attachments please and thank you! If I could have the articles by Monday, March 8, I would appreciate it very much. It would be great to have news from all the councils in the province and across Canada. Remember, we are in this pandemic together, let’s talk about how we have kept in touch at our councils.

The theme of the Easter Communicator is:
“This is the day the Lord has made, Let us Rejoice and be glad”

Please email your submissions to me at by March 8, 2021. I pray that your Lenten Journey and is reflective, joyful and very blessed!

May Our Lady of Good Counsel pray for us, Sylvia Jurys
Chairperson of Communications
Sylvia Jurys

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