March 1, 2021                     Communications Communique #10

From: Gerry Heywood, Victoria Diocese Chair of Communications

Dear Sisters in the League and Father Alfredo:

Here is the latest Communications Communique from our Provincial Chairperson. It is chock full of interesting information for our times as well as a request for you to submit your articles and photos to her for our on line Easter Communicator.

So, search your files, sharpen your pencils and send Sylvia your thoughts and details of what your councils are up to!

Blessings on you, my sisters and stay well.

Gerry Heywood



FROM: Sylvia Jurys, BC & Yukon Provincial Council Chairperson of Communications 

Dear Sisters in the League and Fr. David:

The news on February 22 posted in the media was very encouraging. The province of Ontario made an announcement to bring in legislation to deter human trafficking. 

The premier said, "Our government is taking deliberate steps to put an end to human trafficking and protect victims and potential victims of this terrible crime. This tough new legislation builds on our Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy we introduced nearly a year ago, giving law enforcement additional tools to help prevent and deter human trafficking.”

See legislation for more information. 

I have also enclosed an easy reference on what is human trafficking and how to recognize it. If you see any signs of human trafficking do report it to your local police detachment. As you know the provincial Chairperson of resolutions, Sharon Ciebin has done major work on human trafficking and I commend her for her determination and dedication to keep our CWL members informed. 

If you are reading this communique on the BC & Yukon website and would like a copy of any of the highlighted enclosures, send a request by email to 

I do not know how you are all feeling during COVID-19 except that we miss being together with our loved ones and friends and attending Holy Mass and the Stations of the Cross together during Lent. Personally, I have never been so busy, with some days being more than 8 – 10 hours long doing CWL work for my council, work at the church, and teaching the Confirmation classes. And yes, I know that I am in good company with you all! I am sure that we feel truly blessed. Take good care of yourselves, keep calm, social distance, and wear your mask with a smile hiding underneath it! 

As mentioned in my last communique and those of the national chairperson of communications, Doreen Gowan’s communiques, there are many opportunities for us to be together in faith: 

Some of our many communication options- a few more added this time: 

—Daily Mass on ETWN and Salt and Light that are aired on your television network.

—Subscribe to Salt & Light newsletters at: to receive messages such as emails, e-alerts, newsletters, and event invitations from Salt & Light Catholic Media Foundation. 

—Vatican News - lots of news from around the world

—Tune in to live streamed Masses from your Church

—Hold Council Zoom Meetings, to register click below to get you started if have not done so already:

—Continue to call your CWL members, especially those who do not have a computer and access to email.

—Write letters or send a birthday greeting card to your CWL Sisters and friends

—Set daily time to say the rosary and pray to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour

—Participate in Lenten Programs

—Continue to mail the Pornography Hurts postcards to the government

I am heartened by the news that the rollout of COVID vaccinations is coming to our province, albeit slowly. Watch the news on how we shall be informed on how to book appointments and where. Please be vigilant of the senior members of your family, CWL members and neighbours whom you know that do not have a PC and may need your help; an offer to register an appointment online for them and drive them to the location to be vaccinated would be very much appreciated. 

Continue to keep up to date on the implementation of the national strategic plan at and how to volunteer your time and talents for the next phase that will begin soon, and at for

more information and testimonials. We are going to be one mighty and classy League! 

I hope you have had a chance to read the article in The Catholic Register – Youngest member see future in CWL. The article brought a pressing and important ambition that I have, that keeps plaguing me to do something about, it is – “Every Catholic Woman in Canada should be a member of the Catholic Woman’s League of Canada” The young woman in the article, is the youngest member of her council. Joanie Chislett delivered a deliberate message to me. All we must do is to ask a simple question of every Catholic woman we meet, it is, “When are you going to join the CWL?” Open a dialogue and share your love of the CWL and its accomplishments in Faith, Service and Social Justice. One member at a time will motivate other young women to do the same. Will you please come and share the same dream with me? 

Just a heads-up! Our prayers for the end of this pandemic may be answered more sooner than later and we shall be hot-to-trot to get into action at our councils. How do we welcome back our beloved members? How are we planning to structure our meetings? Have we heard of the “Welcome Package” Do we have any new members? How much money do we have in the bank? Are we planning a welcome back party? ... and much more! Better be ready! 

A short update on my 2021 virtual walking missions. 

As mentioned in my last communique, I have set myself a goal to walk a pilgrimage of prayer of 3,500 kilometres by the end of the year. I am currently walking the length of England from Lands End (that is the toe at the southwest of the country) up to John O’Groats at the northerly tip of Scotland; a mere 1800 km. Not doing too well because of the cold weather and icy roads. Only 575 km since January 1. But, as soon as Spring is here, I promise to do better. I have registered for St Francis Trail in Italy once I have conquered the UK. I will be praying for you dear sisters.

Important dates to remember: 

March 5               World Day of Prayer
March 17             St. Patrick
March 19             Feast of St. Joseph
March 25             Annunciation of the Lord

March 28              Passion Sunday 

April 4                   Easter Sunday

April 26                 Feast of Our Lady of Good Council

For communiques and news visit the National and BC & Yukon Websites: 

Provincial Council website: National Website: 

One more important reminder: 

A reminder that the Easter Communicator will be published in late March and I would love to have news, stories, COVID happenings, tree planting, Greeting, reflections etc. and articles. Would you kindly send any photographs in .jpeg format as attachments please and thank you! If I could have the articles by Monday, March 8 or by March 15 latest, I would appreciate it very much. It would be great to have news from all the councils in the province and across Canada. Remember, we are in this pandemic together, let us talk about how we have kept in touch at our councils. 

The theme of the Easter Communicator is: 

“This is the day the Lord has made, Let us Rejoice and be glad” 

Please email your submissions to me at:  by March 8 – 15, 2021. 

I pray that your Lenten Journey is a time of reflection, joyful, and very blessed!

May Our Lady of Good Counsel pray for us, 

Sylvia Jurys
Chairperson of Communications