Father Alfie's Table: Father Alfredo's Very Own Cooking Show!


Good Morning, Friends: We here, at St. Joseph the Very Hard Worker Parish Catholic Women's League are lucky to have Father Alfie as both our parish priest and our island CWL spiritual advisor. I am sure you all are aware that our island parishes work with our health authorities to lessen people's potential exposure to the COVID-19 virus. This boils down to the fact that much of our CWL and parish activities are severely limited. "How's that for interesting and "punchy" opening sentences?"

Now, here's the real "punchy" part.

Father Alfie is concerned about people being cut off from regular parish activities and services. To this end, he records the Sunday Mass and puts it up on the internet for everyone to see. But wait; there's more. He also conducts cooking classes for us all to enjoy. Talk about Jesus' command to "feed my flock"!

Yes, Father Alfie has his very own cooking show on Youtube called "Father Alfie's Table" and he is very good. In fact, our priest is an Italian gourmet chef and he shares the secrets of his former trade with easy to follow instructions. 

Just to show you how easy these recipes are, I, myself, made the Egg Plant Parmagiana. Since egg plant was a new thing for me, let me tell you, I was pretty excited. It was delicious and something exotic for us. 

You may want to watch these fun videos, yourself, and even try out the recipes. They're really worth it.

Note to Self: Do NOT leave the egg plants in plastic bags on your counter for several days. Also, make sure your husband knows where to find new ones in the grocery store. Oh, yes, make sure the plastic bags remain closed when throwing out the earlier egg plants; mold is hard to clean.

To find these recipes, open youtube and type in Father Alfie's Table in the search bar. All his videos will come up.

Blessings on your day and hang in there, my friends.