Organization Communiqué 3 – 2018

Dear League Sisters and Fr. Alfredo,

“When you talk, you’re only repeating what you already know.  But if you listen, you may learn something new.”        Dalai Lama


Membership Drives

The CWL fiscal year begins January 1.  A membership blitz is a great way to build-up the momentum for CWL Membership Sunday, held on the last Sunday in January. You may hold your CWL Membership Sunday on another weekend if it works better for you.

‘Leading the League’ is a great resource for planning your membership blitz,  page 7 has samples of Parish Bulletin Announcements; page 8 is sample Prayers of the Faithful; page 9 is a sample Speech to the Parish (I have others I can email to you if you need help); and page 10 is a sample Bulletin Board Announcement. 

Be innovative! Be enthusiastic! Be inviting and Be welcoming to all!

New Member Orientation

Sometimes we are so focused on increasing our membership numbers that we do not take the care we need to make sure those new members know exactly what is expected of them.  This illustrates the importance of running a new member orientation program. An orientation gives new members the basics of who we are and what we do in the CWL.  Again the ‘Leading the League’ manual can help, it has an excellent program, which includes flip charts to be used in a presentation that can be customized to fit your council. Please make sure that new members are well-informed and ready to be effective CWL members.

Welcome Kits

A Welcome Kit is designed to demonstrate the warm hospitality that the League offers to its members.  The kit is our first gift to any new member who joins.  This handy kit will contain brochures and important information that a new member can enjoy.  Look to page 37 of ‘Leading the League’ for information on what to assemble in your kit.


Reception of New Members

Involve your Spiritual Advisor (or your Spiritual Development Chair) and President to assist you with a Reception of New Members. Choose a date in February or early March, after all your memberships have been collected and sent to National. You may want to photocopy pages 38 – 40 of ‘Leading the League’ as the Reception for New Members is all laid out for you there.


Action: If you do not have a copy of the manual ‘Leading the League’ it can be found on the Catholic Women’s League website:


Membership Renewal & Retention

As you solicit new members, don’t forget to honour your existing members. Do you have someone you would like to present the Bellelle Guerin or Maple Leaf service awards to? Anniversary pins are now available for 5–75 years of membership in increments of 5 years (i.e., 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.).


Action: Do you have the most up-do-date brochures? Share your Council’s accomplishments and plans with your parish. Make sure you check out the most recent copy of The CanadianLeaguefor an update on our national strategy. Review our Resolutions to help show how our League has affected so many social issues. Membership is not a one-person job: involve your whole Council because building membership is everyone’s responsibility.


Parish Annual Reports Due

This is a gentle reminder that the parish annual reports are now due. The online reporting is simple to access and easy to complete and will only be available online until December 15. Let’s get 100% completion from our Victoria Diocesan Councils!!!!


Action: As Parish Organization Chair, it is your responsibility to ensure that your executive and standing committee chairs have completed all of your Council’s online reports. If the report is not completed, contact the person and remind her. If the position is vacant, access the report and answer the first question: that is “is this position vacant?” and go on from there. All reports must be done.

Please pray for the national delegation that will meet with the federal government on November 25 – 28, 2018.

I will not be communicating with you again this year, I wish to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years.

May our Lady of Good Counsel hold you in her loving care,


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