President's Communique #6 November 6, 2025

President’s Communique #6 November 30, 2025

Advent is tomorrow, the days are getting shorter and Christmas is coming soon.Shopping, lights, food and celebrating are starting to fill people's minds. Slowing down andkeeping our thoughts on Advent, the beginning of the spiritual year and the arrival of JesusChrist is not always easy. The word Christ is in Christmas and Christ should be our main focus at this time.

I don't wish to take away from this beautiful time but it is communique time again before the holidays begin.

Still with Advent, on December 15th there will be an Advent webinar called “WalkThrough Salvation History” please go to the National’s homepage to find out how to register. While at the National website you can see the calendar from December to January 21st. From the calendar example: December 3rd is International Day of Persons with Disabilities and December 12th is National Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples (CCCB).

National has sent out the Annual Report Surveys and I am sure many of you are workingon completing them. A gentle reminder that they are due back at the National office byDecember 15 or they will not be included in this year’s report. Because there is a mailstrike, all reports should be completed and submitted a bit earlier than December 15, tomake sure they are counted. Our Diocesan Secretary Yvonne will not be including late submissions this year as it is too time consuming to collate them and add them to reporting.

Thanks so much for your attention to this matter.

A while back our Provincial President Catherine L'heureux said in her communique that all Parish Councils should consider setting up a Parish League Development Fund so that money is set aside and available to send the Parish President to Diocesan Conventions and possibly League Development Days also. My Parish Queen of Peace did a specific fundraiser and set up an account for that purpose.

The next report coming up will be for the Diocesan Convention Annual Reports Booklet. Gerry Heywood Vice President will be sending out a email shortly in the new year with a template and information on due dates for that report.

Presidents please be mindful that your annual report for the Convention Booklet may not be no more than one page in length. Other Executive members your report length will be no more than two pages inlength. This will help Gerry when she puts the booklet together to go to the printers.

Thanks so much.

Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Rome: This will take place in November 2025. The pilgrimage will be advertised in the winter edition of the Canadian League magazine once the details have been made public.

We have all received the Comprehensive register again and I thank Yvonne for all herdevotion and hard work getting everything up to date until this point. Please remember tosend Yvonne updates from time to time about any changes in positions, addresses, phonenumbers and email in your Council.

Important Dates to Remember: Mark it on your calendars!

1. Diocesan League Development Day, March 1st, 2025 in Campbell River (thank you Linda and members)

2. Diocesan Convention, May 2 & 3 St. Edwards, Duncan (President's dinner May 1st

.Thank you, Tita and members)

3. 4. Provincial Convention, June 18-22 2025 Kelowna (Nelson Diocese Hosting)

4. National Convention August 13-15, 2025 Toronto

Thank you everyone for the great work you have all done for your Parishes and communities in the last year. Once again, I ask you to please keep our dear Father Mike inyour prayers.

Thanks so much.

From my heart, I wish you all a joyous Christmas and a happy and holy New Year!

Bertha Landrie

Victoria Diocesan President