Catholic Women's League Victoria Diocesan Council

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The Catholic Women’s League of Canada

VICTORIA DIOCESAN COUNCIL Date: October 7, 2020 Communiqué #11

From: Laurel Phyall, Diocesan President Elect/Organization Chair

Dear Sisters of the League and Father Alfredo,

As I witness the leaves changing colour, enjoy the last few ripe tomatoes and wonder what I am going to do with the 14 large pumpkins turning beautifully orange in our garden. I also think about how my life has changed over the last seven months with the pandemic.

Some of us may have been resting and relaxing over the summer months, but it is now time to move forward. Have you been in contact with your members? Have you embraced the GoFundMe® for gifting of memberships, which I mentioned and explained in my last Communiqué #10? Giving up a personal indulgence to sponsor a new member.

Recruit members and maintain memberships: It is time to start planning for the 2021 membership drive and it is very likely that Covid-19 will present us with some new challenges. However you will have some help with access to brand new resources. I have sent each Organization Chair via Canada Post a hard copy of the new Welcome Program, and emailing a soft copy of the Welcome Program Video. This is a wonderful toolkit for new and renewing memberships. It is full of tips, ideas, resources and forms that are adaptable and can be customized by councils

Parish Mailings & Annual Reports: Watch for the fall parish mailing which will be released the second week of October and will be available at It will contain important and timely information including information on completing annual reports. This year you are invited to join Executive Director, Kim Scammell, as she gives an informative, how-to webinar on “How to Complete an Annual Report Survey.” You can register online at for your choice of time:

  • Wednesday, October 28th, 4:00 – 5:00 pm (PST)

  • Tuesday, November 24th, 11:00 am – 12:00 noon (PST)

    Re-Watch the Women in Mission Webinar Retreat: If you missed the Women in Mission Webinar Retreat on September 16 led by National Spiritual Advisor Bishop Stephen Jensen (Prince George). It is available for re-watching on the National Website under News Releases.

    Manuals and Resources on the National Website: For many of us who are housebound, this is an opportunity to review what is available; the more we know about our organization and the objectives of our positions, the more effective and successful our councils will be.

    League of the Future – Year 2: The August 14th presentation is available on the CWL YouTube channel at“One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm” – Catherine Pulsifer

    In the words of Dr. Bonnie Henry: Be Calm Be Kind Be Safe Until then may Our Lady of Good Counsel hold you in her loving care,
