Organization Communiqué #10                  

Date: July 9, 2020                                       

From:  Laurel Phyall, Diocesan President Elect/Organization Chair

Dear Sisters of the League and Father Alfredo,

Why are you receiving a Communiqué now – it is summertime!  Actually, at this time I was expecting to be writing my first communiqué as Diocesan President, not my 10th as President-Elect and Chairperson of Organization.  Alas the outbreak of COVID-19 has changed all those plans.

Please forward the following two items to your membership with email and share this information with anyone who doesn’t, but might be interested.

  1. From Fran Lucas, National Chairperson of Organization: What can be done now to continue building on the solidarity of members during these difficult times? How can you begin with great passion, yet a rather quick and easy action in response to the never-ending cry of “we need more members”? How can we all be involved and have a feeling of fulfillment in the months to come? How can we show our pride and love of the League? I ask for your support. Take the cost of a coffee or tea not being consumed at your favourite venue (or any other saving due to COVID-19) and deposit it in a container in a highly visible location in your home. When able to meet again in a few months, God willing, bring those dollars to your council meeting and add up one total. If you are not able to contribute every week, that is fine, give what you can. With the cumulative funds, purchase memberships as gifts in thanks of coming through COVID-19, and for the League’s future. If the container used to collect saved dollars is cheerful and fun, you may be tempted to drop more than one coffee deposit a week! Imagine if your parish council had 25 participating members, and each deposited an average of $2.00 a week from June 29th to September 28th (13 weeks). Thirteen weeks multiplied by 25 members contributing $2.00 per week would total $650.00. With an average membership fee of $30.00, that would equal 21 new members! Multiply those numbers across Canada and they will surely make a significant impact!  Think of this as the League’s own GoFundMe for gifting memberships. So the challenge is for 100% participation of parish councils in celebration of the 100th anniversary!  Please let me know how many new members are recruited with gift memberships tied to this initiative.

  2. Online Summer Speaker’s Series: The speakers originally scheduled for the National Convention will be available online August 10-14.  You can register on the national website  You register for each individual speaker and you may choose which you would like to hear.  We cannot all attend a National Convention, so this is an amazing opportunity to take part in one without any cost to you.

Thank you for getting your membership into the National Office, we only have 5% more to go and we did the best in the Province.  Just a reminder that when sending membership inquiries to Katherine Choi at the National Office to include both your Council code and your membership ID number.  Also note that Katherine office days are Thursday and Friday.

As we continue in the challenging times of COVID-19, there is still a need to keep in touch with your fellow members, care for each other and stay safe.

I wish you a safe and healthy summer, hopefully the curve will stay flat and we will be able to meet again in the fall.

Stay safe and stay healthy.

May our Lady of Good Counsel hold you in her loving care,
