The Catholic Women’s League of Canada
President: Christa Grillmair Spiritual Advisor: Rev. Alfredo Monacelli
National theme: Caring for our Common Home
Provincial theme: Witnessing to the Truth
Diocesan theme: Solid Rock, Living Waters
Date: April 25, 2020 Communiqué #9
To: Organization Standing Committee Chairpersons (for action)
Diocesan Officers and Standing Committee Chairpersons (for information) Parish Presidents (for action)
Diocesan Life Members (for information)
Provincial Chairperson, (for information)
From: Laurel Phyall, Diocesan President Elect/Organization Chair
Dear Sisters of the League and Father Alfredo, This is the response to an e-mail sent to the National Office on April 24, 2020:
“Thank you for your e-mail. National office is currently processing items received on March 2, 2020.
If a request submitted prior to this date has not been processed, please let us know. Items submitted after this date are in the queue and will be processed in the order they were received. Online councils are encouraged to check their records through the online system for requested updates prior to contacting national office as they may have already been processed. To help us serve you best, please do not resubmit duplicate requests as it slows the processing time.
Katherine Choi, B.H.Ecol.
Membership Coordinator
The Catholic Women's League of Canada”
As of March 20, approximately 42% of the membership from our Diocese have been processed. I am hopeful that the other 48% are in the queue waiting their turn. If you have not sent in your membership, please do as soon as possible, don’t wait to collect all your membership, send them in as you collect them. If you are having difficulty getting online, you can still mail them in.
We all must be patient in this time of COVID-19, it is far more difficult to work from home, than in the office. As you self-isolate, I also expect that you are keeping in touch with each other, especially any women who may be living alone. This could be done through e-mail, telephone or the post office. This is a good opportunity to get back to our roots and write letters, I have recently written to my grandsons (who loved receiving mail) and I eagerly anticipate their replies.
Christa and I are working on putting together a ZOOM meeting, we will let you know more when it comes together.
Mass for Our Lady of Good Counsel on Sunday, April 26, 2020:
Honorary Life Member & Life Members: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to be offered for your intention on the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel in the 100th anniversary year of The Catholic Women’s League. Sunday, April 26, 2020 at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Calgary, Alberta by Most Reverend William McGrattan, Bishop of Calgary.
Anyone wishing to view the Live-Streamed Mass can do so by clicking on the following link at 9:00 am.
Fr. Alfredo has Mass online as well. Check out the website!
History will remember when the virus left And the houses opened
And the people came out
And hugged and kissed
And started again
Kinder than before.— Donna Ashworth
Stay safe and stay healthy.
May our Lady of Good Counsel hold you in her loving care,